- Different eSPACE Subscription Tiers include Different Features Including Single Sign On
Viewing Your Subscription Details
- Each eSPACE admin with access to Billing can view what subscription tier your organization currently has and everything that is included in their account under Settings > Other > Billing > Manage.
Deactivated Users will not be able to log in with SSO.
- Learn more: How to Deactivate Users
If your organization's eSPACE subscription has been suspended due to multiple failed attempts at processing your subscription renewal, then no user will be able to log in, even with SSO other than the main admin who has access to billing. This is so they can get updated payment information entered.
For those who are on an eSPACE subscription tier that includes Single Sign On:
If you are unable to login to eSPACE via Google Single Sign On (SSO)
- If SSO was working, but now you get "missing first name, please check your app setup" then check to make sure that the URL from Google entered into your eSPACE SSO settings is up to date and that Google has not changed it.
- If you are getting a similar error message when first setting up SSO with Google & eSPACE, then still make sure the URL from Google is correct.
- Hint: One way to know that the issue is on the Google side of the equation is if you can log into eSPACE with SSO from Google by clicking on the eSPACE app icon in your Google workspace menu (waffle icon), but you can not sign in when you click on "Sign in with SSO" on the eSPACE website.
- Here is our Knowledge Base article: Single Sign-on with Google Workspace
If you are unable to login to eSPACE via Azure Single Sign On (SSO),
- Check to make sure you enter all the right information as laid out in the instructions. There are a lot of steps for this one, so double-checking is always a good idea.
- Here is our Knowledge Base article: Single Sign-on with Azure AD
If you are unable to login to eSPACE via Okta Single Sign On (SSO),
- Usually, the issue is that your User profile is Inactive.
An Admin can go to the left navigation bar>Settings>Basic>Users and find your name then click Edit
From the User's Profile Page, you will see a toggle for Is Active User
Once that is toggle on, the User will again be able to log into eSPACE via Okta SSO
- Here is the Knowledge Base article: Setting Up Single Sign-on Integration with Okta