Sections in this article:
- Overall
- Work Order Details Tab
- Spaces Tab
- Costs Tab
- Tasks Tab
- Conversations and Attachments Tab
- Forms Tab
- History Tab - Track Changes
Admins and Sub-admin with permission to manage: After submitting a work order, admins and sub-admins (with permission to manage work orders) can edit anything on any work order that is submitted by any user based on the department(s), service category(s), location(s) they have access to under their user permissions.
- "Location" is a required field in Work Order & Asset Management even if you only have one.
- The location on a work order won't be able to be changed if that work order was submitted through a public form or an event.
Users: After submitting a work order for approval AND before it is assigned to a user, department or external vendor, users will only be able to edit the service category, priority level, description, any custom fields, the spaces, conversations, attachments, and internal forms assigned to service categories.
Once the work order has been assigned/approved, then the user will only be able to add to the General Comments section on the details tab, add/edit a space, add items on the Costs tab, start a conversation, add an attachment, edit the form, as well as view the changes on the History tab.
Work Order Details Tab
Admins and sub-admins with permission to manage work orders but not restricted to specific service categories, can edit any work orders in any status if that work order location is one that the user has been given access to within their user permissions (Settings>Basic>Users>Location Permissions).
Users, after submitting the work order for approval, are only able to edit the service category, priority level, description, any custom fields, the spaces, conversations, attachments, and internal forms assigned to service categories on a work order. Once the work order is assigned to a user, department or external vendor, then a simple user will ONLY be able to edit the space, attachment, conversation tab, and any internal forms attached to service categories.
Spaces Tab
Admins, sub-admins with permission to manage work orders, and the user who is the requester can edit the space tab anytime after the work order has been submitted for approval.
Costs Tab
Admins, sub-admins, and users can add costs to the work order anytime after the user/requester has submitted it for approval. In addition, they can either add new tasks or add ones from the task library to any work order (theirs or others).
They can also add equipment, inventory, vehicle (if Vehicle Pro is on your subscription), labor/time and export this information once it's been added. They can add this to their work order or others.
- Only equipment that has been assigned the same service categories as the work order will appear as an option to add to that work order.
Tasks Tabs
All admins and sub-admins who can manage work orders can add tasks to a work order, whether that's creating a new one or adding one from the task library.
Conversations and Attachments Tab
Admins, sub-admins with permission to manage work orders and the user who is the requester can edit can start or add to conversations and add it delete attachments anytime after the work order has been submitted.
- Read this Knowledge Base article to learn more: Conversations within a Work Order
Forms Tab
Admins, sub-admins with permission to manage work orders and the user who is the requester can edit the forms anytime after the work order has been submitted for approval.
- Read this Knowledge Base article to learn more:Form Builder (Work Order & Asset Management): How to Add a New Form and Attach to a Service Category
History Tab
All changes that get made to a work order can be tracked on the History tab of that work order and seen by all users. There you will see which user made which update or edit and when it was made.