Track aggregate data for your organization with Work Order & Asset Management Analytics!
You will find the Analytics on the left navigation bar in between Reports and Settings
Once you are on the Analytics Page you can view all the available data from this one page, with the key delineator being the drop down field in the top left corner titled Time Range
Time Range options are as follows:
Today | All data presented is for Work Orders generated on the current day
Yesterday | All data is for Work Orders generated on the previous day
This Week | All data is for cumulative Work Orders for the current week up to the current day
Last Week | All data is for cumulative Work Orders for the previous week
This Month | All data is for cumulative Work Orders for the current month up to the current day
Last Month | All data is for cumulative Work Orders for the previous month
This Year | All data is for cumulative Work Orders for the current year up to the current day
Last Year | All data is for cumulative Work Orders for the previous year
All Time | All data is for cumulative Work Orders from the beginning up to the current day
Custom | All data presented is for Work Orders from an manually entered date range
You can also narrow down criteria by Location, Service Category, Technician, and Vendor with the other drop down fields across the top
The next section called Key Metrics is where you will find the main measurements of Work Orders for your organization
The first Key Metric called Created Work Orders tells you (A) the number of Work Orders created in the selected Time Range (this example shows This Week).
Then, you can compare that with (B) the number of Work Orders created at the same time last week.
And, (C) shows you the Priority breakdown of each of those Work Orders
The rest of the Key Metrics are similar showing the following:
- Completed Work Orders | The number of Work Orders completed in the selected Time Range
- Comparison of the number of completed Work Orders from the timeframe previous to the selected Time Range
- Priority breakdown of each of the total number of those Work Orders
- Average Age of Completed Work Orders | The average amount of time for Work Orders to be completed from the time they were created in the selected Time Range
- Note: Days are calculated by a 24-hour calendar day, not an 8-hour work day
- Average Time of Completed Work Orders | The average amount of time for Work Orders to be completed from the time work started in the the selected Time Range
- Note: Days are calculated by a 24-hour calendar day, not an 8-hour work day
- Reopened Work Orders | The number of Work Orders that were reopened by the requester in the selected Time Range
- Backlog | The number of Work Orders that remain "open" (i.e. not closed or completed) at the end of the selected Time Range
- Priority breakdown of each of the total number of those Work Orders
Another delineator is under Visualized Data, and allows you to analyze Created or Completed Work Orders based on the selected Time Range
Service Categories are listed to the left in descending order and visually represented in a pie chart to the right
If you hover over with your mouse on a slice of the pie chart, the Service Category appears with the number of Work Orders for the selected Time Range
If you click on the three lines to the far right, you can choose the following outputs for your Visualized Data:
- You can choose to View in full screen or Print chart
- Download one of the common image files (PNG, JPEG, PDF or SVG)
- Download as a CSV or XLS (i.e. Excel) file or you can View the data table
Note: These outputs can be selected for any of the Visualized Data displays
The section under the pie chart is a bar graph for Work Orders By Location with Locations displayed on the X axis and Number of Work Orders on the Y axis
You can also add a layer of data that will display the previous period for the Time Range selected as a comparison to the current data by toggling on the Show the previous period
You can view additional displays with the same functions for Work Orders By Day of Week and Work Orders By Technician or Vendor
Lastly, in the top right corner you will see a button called Create View which allows you to take all of the criteria of your Analytics that you set and create a saved version. The other button called Saved Views is the repository of the various views you have previously saved that you can load and schedule to be notified to load.