Admins have access to Analytics in Work Order & Asset Management which allows them to see all kinds of statistics about work order completion. They can see work order statistics for different time ranges, location, service categories, technicians, and vendors.
The section called Key Metrics is where you will find the main measurements of Work Orders for your organization
The first Key Metric called Created Work Orders tells you the following:
(A) The number of Work Orders created in the selected Time Range
(B) The number of Work Orders created at the previous timeframe of the selected Time Range. For example, if it is currently 9:04am on Wednesday and your Time Range is set to "This Week", this number would be for last Sunday through last Wednesday at 9:04am.
(C) The Priority breakdown of each of those Work Orders
For (C) Priority you can hover over with your mouse on each color to reveal the Priority name and number
The rest of the Key Metrics are similar showing the following:
1. Completed Work Orders
The number of Work Orders completed during the selected Time Range
As compared to the number of completed Work Orders from the timeframe previous to the selected Time Range
Priority breakdown of each of the total number of those Work Orders
2. Average Age of Completed Work Orders
The average amount of time for Work Orders to be completed from the time they were created by a user in the selected Time Range
Note: Days are calculated by a 24-hour calendar day, not an 8-hour work day
3. Average Time to Complete a Work Order
The average amount of time for Work Orders to be completed by a Technician or Vendor from the time work started in the selected Time Range
Note: Days are calculated by a 24-hour calendar day, not an 8-hour work day
4. Reopened Work Orders
The number of Work Orders that were reopened by the requester in the selected Time Range
5. Backlog
The number of Work Orders that were still "open" (i.e. not closed or completed) at the end of the selected Time Range
Priority breakdown of each of the total number of those Work Orders