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When creating an event (private or public), you can choose to make it virtual and enter a Zoom or Teams etc link
On the Details tab of the event, scroll down the page, select the option to make the event virtual, then add your virtual meeting link, if desired. You can also add text here, such as "TBD". Then continue on with adding your event.
If you choose to include a meeting link, keep in mind that you must enter the link with the correct format (must start with "http://" or "https://").
Marking an event as virtual will cause the following to happen:
- All users will be able to filter events by "virtual" on the internal calendar views.
- All users will be able to filter for "virtual" events in reports.
- No space, resource, or service will be required on the event.
Once the event is submitted and approved, it will also appear on the Dashboard and internal Calendar views with a tag that says "Virtual". You can also filter events on the internal calendar view by "Virtual".
To connect to your Virtual Event right from eSPACE simply click on the Event Name, then click on the Summary Tab and the link will appear as a clickable hyperlink.
- It's a good idea to change the name to include the word "Virtual" in the name (e.g. Men's Bible Study would change to Men's Bible Study-VIRTUAL).
- It might be helpful to create an Event Category called Virtual to help you with reporting and filtering.
Additionally, you can select Public and enter your online meeting link into the Public Link field to have it appear on your Public Calendar as a clickable hyperlink.
- Read this Knowledge Base article to learn more about the Public Calendar feature: Public Calendar Feature: Embed Your eSPACE Calendar on your Website.