You can set up Reports to be scheduled to automatically notify you by email!
- Although you can schedule reports for yourself, you can not set it up for others. If people would like scheduled reports to be sent to them, they can set it up in their own eSPACE account.
- 1. In either Event Scheduler or Work Order & Asset Management, go to the Left Navigation Bar > Reports
- 2. Then, choose any Report option in that module.
3. Choose the columns of information and the filters below that you want to apply to the exported report.
Difference Between Simple Dates and Custome Dates
- A. Utilizing the Simple Dates feature allows your scheduled report to return results relative to the current date.
Difference Between Simple Dates and Custome Dates
- B. If your report utilizes Custom Dates, then it will retain the originally entered date and you will need to re-enter a new date each time.
- 4. Remember to choose all of the filter options that you want next, whether that be certain approval areas, event categories or certain spaces, resources or services!
- 5. Click "Save Report" and name it.
- 6. Afterward, click on "Saved Reports", and on the right side click on the Calendar Icon:
- 7. Choose the frequency you want your Report to be Scheduled to be emailed to you.
8. Then, choose day of the week and the hour. Then, hit Save.
- Although you can schedule reports for yourself, you can not set it up for others. If people would like scheduled reports to be sent to them, they can set it up in their own eSPACE account.
- 9. Now, when it is time you will receive an email like below!
- 10. Then, when you click the link (with the name of your Report) you will be redirected to that Report page on eSPACE.
- 11. Simply click Run and you can view, or export to Excel or PDF.