You can copy the essentials of an event so you do not have to re-enter everything!
- By copying an event you can copy over the start and end times, setup and end teardown times, occurrence rule, spaces, resources, services and setup notes and even schedules on events.
- However, you will have to enter in new dates (start and end date).
- If you have multiple schedules and/or overridden occurrences then you can individually choose to include or exclude those in the copy.
To copy an event go to the main Details tab of an event and click "Copy".
On the next page you will see all of the details of event original event, along with the empty fields where you will need to enter a new start and end date. Here you can choose to either keep the same name or enter in a new event name.
- If your original event had a set up and end teardown time, then you will also need to enter dates for those as well.
Schedules on Events
If the event has any schedules/overridden occurrences then expand each schedule on the event to either enter new dates OR select "Don't Copy This Schedule".
- If there are no schedules/overridden occurrences on the event, then the"Don't Copy This Schedule" option will not appear.
After you enter the start and end dates, check the occurrence option and select the number of occurrences you need.
- If you have schedules/overridden occurrences on the event, then you will need to enter start and end dates and confirm reoccurrence options for each of them BEFORE selecting "Copy Event".
Copying Forms
If your event (or any of your schedules/overridden occurrences on the event) have spaces, resources or services that have internal forms associated with them you can choose to copy the answers or not.
This is toggled on by default. Any associated forms in the event will be copied including all answers. However, if you toggle this off all the current forms will be copied with no answers
- After copying or not copying the form answers, you can still change them at any time.
Once you are finished confirming what you want copied over, click "Copy Event" at the bottom right hand side.
After you "Copy Event"
This will then take you to a new page where you can view the copied event and all its tabs and make additional edits as needed OR go ahead and submit for approval.