Searching for Equipment
- After 300 pieces of equipment are entered, you will be required and promoted to use at least one filter option in order to see your equipment. This is purposely designed into the software in order to maintain optimized software performance and thus a smoother user experience after a large amount of equipment has been added. You can still use multiple filter options on the equipment page if desired.
Searching for equipment begins by navigating from the left navigation bar to Settings > Basic > Equipment.
1. Using any of these fields, enter the search criteria to narrow down your equipment list.
2. Save your search criteria for the future by selecting "Save Filter"
Your search criteria is returned as shown below and you may then select to either
3. Delete equipment in bulk or
4. Move equipment in bulk
Deleting Equipment in Bulk
1. Select the RED Delete Equipment in Bulk button show above
2. Deselect items you wish to keep and leave those you wish to delete selected
3. Select the RED Delete button
A confirmation pop up window will appear. Once you select the YES button, all selected equipment will be deleted. This action cannot be reversed!
Move Equipment in Bulk
1. Select the GREEN Bulk Move Equipment button show above
2. Select the New Location from the drop down list
3. Deselect items you wish to keep and leave those you wish to move selected
3. Select the GREEN Move button
A confirmation pop up window will appear. Once you select the YES button, all selected equipment will be moved to its new location.