The "All Work Orders" page is a great place to search for a specific completed work order, work order in progress, or any work order based on a number of filters regardless of the status or who the work order is assigned to.
Although your Dashboard is a great way to track work orders that are unassigned, assigned to yourself, your department, need to be reviewed once completed... if you need to find a specific work order (such as a completed one) you can navigate to Work Orders > All Work Orders to be able to search through ALL the work orders that you have access to based on your locations and user permissions.
Which User Sees Which What Work Orders
- Admins will see all work orders, sub-admins will be able to see all work orders based on the departments, service categories and locations they have access to, and regular users will only see work orders assigned to them or their departments.
The Benefits of "All Work Orders"
- The "All Work Orders" page is a great place to see all incomplete work orders, regardless of who they are assigned or if they are unassigned.
- It's a great place to see all the orders assigned to a user or department regardless if work has been started, is in progress, or has been marked as completed.
On the All Work Orders page you will find numerous ways to filter and sort your work orders. You can also set a default sort/filter option.
- Remove and/add filters at the top (defaults are Created, Approved, and Completed)
- Enter keywords in the search bar to filter
- Click the column header of any column to sort all the work orders by that column header
- Drag and drop column headers into the space above the column headers in order to group by that column header
Click the blue save icon at the top left.
If you click the save icon, you will see a pop-up message asking you to double-verify the filter options you have chosen.
After confirming, your filter will be saved anytime you return to the All Work Orders page!
This saved filter will remain even if you log out until you clear it!
To clear the saved filter, click on the red Trashcan Icon that appears beside the Save Icon.
When you do, a pop-up message will appear asking for double confirmation.
After you click "Yes", the All Work Orders page will return to the original display of items.