Different eSPACE Subscription Tiers include Different Features
Viewing Your Subscription Details
- Each eSPACE admin with access to Billing can view what subscription tier your organization currently has and everything that is included in their account under Settings > Other > Billing > Manage.
Related article: Inventory Items | Adding, Editing, Viewing Current & Setting Up Notifications
Inventory Request Forms
For those that are on an eSPACE subscription tier which includes Asset Pro, begin by clicking on "Inventory Request" at the top right of your Work Order & Asset Management Dashboard.
- Choose your Item Type from the drop-down, then choose your Inventory Item
- Once you have selected your Inventory Item a new window appears for you to enter the following
- Quantity
- Destination Location
- Source Location
- Then, click Save
You can additionally enter a comment into the Comments field
- To add another Inventory Item, simply repeat the steps above
- Once your Inventory Request is complete, click Submit
Your request will now go to status
To give permissions to a Sub-Admin or Admin User to Manage Inventory Requests, go to Settings>Basic>Users
- Choose a User and click Edit
- Go to User Access Permissions and in the Permission grid, check the box Manage Inventory
- Then, underneath the Permissions grid a new item will appear that says Can Manage Inventory Requests, and check the box
Granting Access to Inventory Requests to Users
To give permissions to a regular User in Work Order Management to make Inventory Requests, go to Settings>Basic>Users
- Choose a User and click Edit
- Go to User Access Permissions and check the box for Can User Create Inventory Requests?
Where to View Inventory Requests
All Inventory Requests appear in the left Navigation Bar as and the workflow is as follows
- Once on the Pending Tab, click the plus sign
to the left of each Inventory Request to see what inventory is requested and the quantity of each
- You can click Edit, Decline or Approve
- If Approve, the Inventory Request moves to the Approved Tab
- Once on the Approved Tab, click the Details button
- Then, click on
to start working on completing the Inventory Request
- Enter your Work Time, then click Complete
- This workflow can be seen and done from the Dashboard grid as well
Printing Inventory Requests
You can also Print your Inventory Request.
After clicking the Print button, the printable form appears and then click Print again:
Inventory Request Reports
- Admins, sub-admins, and regular users can all run a report to see inventory requests in the desktop view of Work Order & Asset Management. This option is located in the left side menu under Reports.
- There is an "Inventory Request Report", that includes two different report types.
- The "Inventory Request" report type, includes the "status" for the inventory request, based on the criteria you select. So for example, you can see what inventory items are pending approval, approved, in progress, completed, etc.).
- The "Inventory Request Items" report type includes the request number, item and quantity requested, costs, total quantity on hand, etc.
- There users will see all the filter options available along with the ability to A. "Save" filter selection and then B. "Load" preset filter selection when returning to this page next time.
Different eSPACE Subscription Tiers include Different Features
Viewing Your Subscription Details
- Each eSPACE admin with access to Billing can view what subscription tier your organization currently has and everything that is included in their account under Settings > Other > Billing > Manage.