Sections in this article:
- How to Run a Work Order Report
- Choose a Type of Report
- Pick Your Columns Headers
- Pick Your Location
- Pick Your Date Range
- Pick Your Filters
- Run Report
- Save the Report with Your Specific Filter Options
- Running a Report with Saved Filters
- Schedule Report Reminder Emails
How to Run a Work Order Report
- Go to Reports > Report Builder located on the left sidebar of your dashboard
Choose A Type of Report
- 1. You can choose between the "Event List", "Space Usage", "Item Usage", and "Calendar Labels".
Pick Your Columns Headers
- 2. Start building your report by selecting your desired column headers that you want to show on the output of the report (see attached below). You can also reorder your column headers by clicking on the column display name and dragging it to the desired location.
- You can select "Check All" (shown above) with will automatically select all the criteria for your report or only select specific criteria that you want included in the report.
Pick Your Locations
- 3. Next, choose your location(s)
Pick Your Date Range
- 4. Then, select your date range (Start Date/End Date) for the report (see above).
- You can either choose a "simple date range"
- Today (default), Yesterday, Tomorrow
- This week, Next week, or Last week
- This month, next month, or Last month
- This year or Last year
- OR you can choose a customized date range
- You can either choose a "simple date range"
- 5. If your date range is at least 1 week, then the "Day of the Week" will be displayed so that you can select all days or a few.
Pick Your Filters
- 6. Below the date range choose any and all filter options you would like such as: Work Order Status, priority, requester, service category, equipment, vendor, department...
Run Report
- 7. Once you have selected all the filter options that you want, click the blue "Run Report" button.
Another tab will open where you can view the report, Export to Excel, Export to PDF or close.
Save the Report with Your Specific Filter Options
You also have the option to "Save Report" (Report Criteria page) which saves all of your selected criteria, then give the report a name, mark it Public (optional) and SAVE.
Running a Report with Saved Filters
When you want to run the report again, go to "Saved Reports", go to the right of the report that you want and click on the blue "Load" button.
You also have the option to delete a saved report here by selecting the red trashcan.
Schedule Report Reminder Emails
You can set up Reports to be scheduled to automatically notify you by email from your eSPACE account!
- Although you can schedule reports for yourself, you can not set it up for others. If people would like scheduled reports to be sent to them, they can set it up in their own eSPACE account.
- After you save a report then you can click on "Saved Reports" and click on the green calendar icon to set up how often you want eSPACE to email you that saved report.
- Then, choose day of the week and the hour. Then, hit Save.
- Now, when it is time you will receive an email like below!
- Then, when you click the link (with the name of your Report) you will be redirected to that Report page on eSPACE.
- Simply click Run and you can view, or export to Excel or PDF.