The Final-Approval layer of approval is a way to add an EXTRA layer to the regular approval process fro all events in your account. This approval is done by a designated Admin(s) and/or Sub-Admin(s) with access to do so in their user permissions AFTER the event has been through the regular layer of approval (Requires Administratiove or Sub-admins Approval on the Dashboard).
Basics of How Final-Approval Works
- However, it only takes one person to final-approve the event in order for the entire event to be final-approved.
- If an admin and/or sub-admin has been given the ability to final-approve events they will only be able to final-approve events for the locations they have access to under their user permissions. If you parse out final-approval by locations in your account, make sure there is at least 1 person who can final-approve for each location.
If you want to have an Admin(s) and/or Sub-Admin(s) take a final look at all of the submitted approved events and have them give a final approval, go to Settings > Advanced > General > Event Creation to enable the Final Approval process, as shown below.
AFTER you enable this extra layer of approval, you must also give permissions to an Admin(s) and or Sub-Admin(s) to be the Final Approver by going to Settings > Basic > Users, editing a user and checking the box for "Can user Final Approve Events?" and SAVE. The final approver will be able to final approve events based on their location permissions.
When selected and after all Sub-Admins and Admins have approved their areas of responsibility for an event, the Final Approver will be able to see the event on their dashboard (Final Approval grid) to approve or decline, based on their location permissions.