Any admin in eSPACE can create an internal form and attach it to any space(s) and/or resource(s) and/or service(s) so they can collect more information from users requesting that space(s) and/or resource(s) and/or service(s) on the event.
When admins are creating the forms they can choose between multiple different types of Q&A, mark any question as required, add a note, and even add a link to an attachment for the requester to review. After the form has been created they can assign it to as many spaces, resources, and services as needed.
All internal forms that are attached to spaces, resources and services can be filled out by the event requester on the Setup tab of the event, the same place the admin and sub-admin can go to view the questions and answers when they are reviewing an event request before approving it.
- To learn about External Event Requests forms that you can create for non-eSPACE users to fill out, read this Knowledge Base article: External Event Request Forms: Allow Non-eSPACE People to Request an Event
- External Event Request Forms | Allow Non-eSPACE People to Fill Out Internal Forms On Event Requests
Create Internal Forms Assigned to Items
To get started with creating an internal form for eSPACE users to fill out when they request certain spaces and/or resources and/or services:
1. Go to Settings > Advanced > Form Builder
2. Add your form name and click Save
3. Add questions, information, etc. to the internal form by selecting the "Field Type" (See descriptions below).
Field Types:
- TextBox - Enter your question here (Field Label) and there will a text box area below to allow a user to provide an answer.
- TextArea - Enter your question here (Field Label) and there will be a text-area below. This allows the person filling in the information to enter multiple lines of information, rather than a single line (ex: comments, address information, etc.).
- DropDown - Enter your question here (Field Label) and give the user the option to choose their response from the drop-down options that you offered them.
- Checkbox w/Options - Enter your question here (Field Label) and give the user the option to choose their response(s), like "Yes" and "No", that you offered them by selecting the appropriate checkbox(es).
- Checkbox - Yes/No - Enter your question here (Field Label), giving the user the option to select the checkbox to indicate "yes" and leaving it unchecked to indicate "no".
- Note - Add a note, instructions, etc. here (Field Label) that does not require a response.
Link - Add a comment or question (Field Name), add the Link Text, and then add the Link URL.
4. Before adding you question type to the form, check the boc "Is Required" if needed. If required, the event owner will be required to answer the question on the form before submitting the event for approval. All internal forms can be found on the Setup tab of the event next to their corresponding item.
- At least one question type field within the form must be marked as required in order for the form to show as required to be completed by the event owner before submitting for approval.
5. Add all other needed question or field types.
6. Then switch to the Items tab on the internal format and click "Edit Form Items".
7. Then select the spaces, resources and/or services you want the form assigned to. Click "Assign Form to Selected Items" after checking your desired items.
- The form must be assigned to items in order for eSPACE user to fill out the form.
- Only 1 internal form can be assigned to an item.
You can Preview Form if desired.
8. Click Back to Forms to return to your list of forms.
9. From the Forms page, you can delete (red button), change the name of the form (green button) or edit (blue button). When in the Edit mode, you can also adjust the sequence of the questions on the form by clicking the appropriate ↑↓ arrows next to each question.
Second Way to Attached Forms to Items
- Go to Settings > Basic
- Select Space, Resource or Service
- Hover over the item, click the 3 dots and then choose "Edit" item.
- If your spaces, resources and/or services are arranged in a hierarchy, make sure to expand and add the form to the sub-item. The sub-items are actually what can be reserved on events.
- Scroll down to "Required Form" and select the form that you want to associate it with from the drop-down menu (see example below), then SAVE.
Completing Internal Form On Events
When an event is created and that item (Space, Resource, Service) is selected within the event creation process, the form will show on the Setup tab with a red exclamation point (!) next to it, indicating it needs to be completed.
If the Setup tab shows multiple items with the same internal form, they will see an extra option when filling out the forms.
Once the form has been completed, a green check mark and print icon (see below) will appear next to the form and the user can print the form and/or continue through the event creation process and Submit the event. If the form is incomplete, the user is unable to submit the event for approval.
Viewing the Completed Forms
The required and completed form(s) can later be viewed on the Setup tab or Summary page of the event.
If the form is assigned to an item that is in a sub-admin's approval area, then they can view the form questions and answers on the Setup tab of the event when they click on the event as it's sitting in their "Requires Sub-admin Approval" grid.
- To check to see which items on the event are in their approval area, they can click the "clock icon".
When they click on the event name, it will take them straight to the Setup tab where they can click on the form to see the event owner's answers.
Internal Forms on Reports
You can also view the completed form by running the "Event Setup" report by going to Reports >Other Reorts > Event Setup.
After selecting your desired filter options, choose the Output Options that you also want, including "Show Forms". Then run the report.
Editing an Internal Form & Adding Forms to Items Later
If you delete a question from a form within Settings>Advanced>Form Builder, it will not remove the question or answer from a form that has already been completed within an event. However, if you add any new questions to the form, those questions will be added to the form and can be filled out on any newly added event moving forward.
If you add an internal form to items that have already been requested on events and you need to have those forms filled out, you will need to go to the event and toggle off and back on the item associated with the event so the form will appear on the Setup tab of the event. Then you can fill out the form and re-submit the event for approval.