Sections in this article:
- What Events Appear on the Public Calendar
- When the Embed Code Needs to Be Updated
- Modifying The Embed Code to Fit WebSite or Mobile View
Creating a Public Calendar
- Basic Options
- Choose what Forms to include on your Public Calendar
- Customize Font and Color
- Use Category Colors to Differentiate your Categories
- Additional Filtering & Display Options
- Previewing Your Calendar + Finding the EMBED Code
- Getting Your Public Calendar on Your Website
- Sharing Individual Events on Social Media, Emails etc..
- Printing the Public Calendar
- Related Articles - including modifying the embed code for your website or mobile app
What Events Appear on the Public Calendar
Admins, you can easily create and customize a Public Calendar and then copy the generated embed code to put on your website so all events that are fully approved and marked public on the Details tab will automatically appear there! When creating a Public Calendar, they can use filters such as locations and service categories.
- If changes are made to an event that removes it from being in an approved state then that event will be removed from the Public Calendar until the event is re-submitted & approved. It is a common practice for ChMS companies to only allow fully approved events to be synced through an integration.
- Any event that has already been submitted for approval and then is edited and needs to be resubmitted for approval will turn gray on the internal calendar view and say "Currently Being Updated" until that event is re-submitted by the person editing it.
When the Embed Code Needs to Be Updated
Embed code MUST be copied and replaced on the host site anytime an update is made to service categories OR locations in the eSPACE account.
Modifying The Embed Code to Fit WebSite or Mobile View
If you need assistance with pasting and possibly modifying the embed code so the fully approved public events display on your website or so the calendar adjusts in size when viewing on a mobile phone, we encourage you to reach out to your IT person or a website developer to do so. While eSPACE provides the embed code, we can't assist with modifications outside of eSPACE.
Creating a Public Calendar
1. Go to Settings > Advanced > Public Calendar, as shown below.
2. This will bring you to a brand new "settings" page where you can customize many options around your Public Calendar. To get started, click "+Add New Public Calendar".

3. Basic Options
- The filter options can be used to generate a Public Calendar for a specific combination of Categories and/or Location
- The "Public Calendar" comes with a Request Event button by default. Check the box to hide it.
- The "Title Bar Label" will be used to show the name of the Public Calendar
4. Choose what Forms to include on your Public Calendar
- Read this Knowledge Base article to learn about public Event Request Forms: External Event Request Forms | Allow Non-eSPACE People to Request an Event
5. Customize Font and Color
- Depending on the calendar view that is selected, you can customize the colors and font. The different calendar reviews include Day, Month, Agenda, and By Event.
- Main Background Color will apply to all calendar views.
- Title Bar Background Color is for the Month view only.
- Title Bar Font Color is for the Month view only.
- Default Event Background Color is for the Day, Month, and Agenda views only.
- Default Event Font Color is for the Day, Month, and Agenda view only.
- Font Style will apply to all calendar views.
- Font Size is for the Day, Month, and Agenda view only.
6. Use Category Colors to Differentiate your Categories
7. Additional Filtering & Display Options
A. Choose "Allow Calendar Filtering" on your public calendar in order to let people viewing your calendar on your website filter by event category and location.
Only Event Categories that are marked as public will be displayed on the Public Calendar. If you do not have a category showing up in the legend on the Public Calendar, then make sure it is set to be public under Settings > Advanced > Event Categories.
- B. This set of options allows you to decide which calendar views you want to show - (Month, Day, Agenda)
- C. An option to set your default calendar view (Month, Daily, Agenda, or By Event).
- Example of "By Event"
- D. An option to show the "Location Code (abbreviation) before each event name and before each space name on the public calendar. For one location/campus eSPACE accounts, you may want this toggled off. However, for an eSPACE account that has more than one location/campus, you may want this toggled on.
- F. Show Subscribe to Calendar Button.
- If this is toggled on then people viewing the public calendar on your website can click the "Subscribe to Calendar" option and choose to "Copy URL to Clipboard".
- Once they can it copied to their clipboard they can log into their personal calendar and add it according to that calendar system's instructions for adding external calendars.
- If this is toggled on then people viewing the public calendar on your website can click the "Subscribe to Calendar" option and choose to "Copy URL to Clipboard".
- E. By checking "Show Event Details" all the public details on the main Details tab of an event will appear for people to see on the Public Calendar.
- Example of public details from the Details tab of an event that will display when the setting above is enabled.
- On the event's Details tab under the Public Link section, you can enter a hyperlink instead of a URL.
- Example of public details from the Details tab of an event that will display when the setting above is enabled.
- G. Show Contact Details in Details Pop-up - by checking this, the public will see the contact name and phone number that is entered on te event's Contact tab when they click on the event.
- Example
H. Show Schedule Name in Lieu of Event Name - if you have different schedules within your event, the schedule name will show for the event occurrences that are associated with it.
- Read this Knowledge Base article to learn about Schedules on Events vs. Occurrences on Events: When to Add Occurrence vs. New Schedule?
- I. Show Canceled Event Occurrences on Public Calendar - if you want the public to see that an event or occurrence has been canceled, check this box.
J. Show Spaces on Public Calendar and Pop-up Details - When selecting this box, the space(s) will show on the public calendar and within the pop-up details when you click on the event. If you have reserved several spaces for the event, but have selected a space override for the public event, the override space will be displayed only.
- Based on the setting above, the spaces only appear in the pop-up when you click on an event.
8. Previewing Your Calendar + Finding the EMBED Code
- Before you copy and paste the embed code on your website, you can "preview" your Calendar based on the options you chose. Click the box with the arrow to open the Public Calendar in a new tab and see what it will look like on your website.
- There is also an EMBED code that you can "copy" and "paste" into any of your pages on your own site. For assistance with this please contact your website manager.
Replacing Embed Code: Embed code MUST be copied and replaced on the host site anytime an update is made to service categories OR locations in your account.
9. Getting Your Public Calendar on Your Website
- Copy the embed code and email it to whoever manages your website and let them know what page on the website you want it displayed.
10. Sharing Individual Events on Social Media, Emails ect...
All the events on all the Public Calendar reviews except for the "By Event" view will include a link. This link will allow anyone viewing the event to copy it and then paste it on their social media accounts, in an email to share with someone, or however else they would like to share an event from the Public Calendar on your website.
- This feature is a permanent feature that is available on all calendar views.
11. Printing the Public Calendar
- Visit your Calendar in your left side menu bar
- Choose either the Two Week, Monthly, Condensed, or Agenda view (Daily and Weekly do not have a print option)
- Click the Filter Calendar option
- Toggle on "Only Public" and click "Filter"
- Back on the calendar page click "Action" and choose "Print Calendar"
- For the Agenda View click the "Print Calendar" button.
NOTE: Due to how the events are displayed on the Daily and Weekly views, there is no print option for the Daily or Weekly Calendar views.
Related Articles
- Public Calendar | Modifying the Public Calendar Embed Code for your Website
- Public Calendar Feature | Creating Multiple Calendars Based on Event Categories
- Public Calendar | By Event View
- Public Calendar Feature | Override Location & Spaces
- For any non-eSPACE person who wants to add event requests, check out the feature that we specifically designed for that: External Event Request Forms | Allow Non-eSPACE People to Request an Event