There are several report options available to you within Event Scheduler, all with unique fields and filter types.
- Report Builder allows you to customize the column headers and exports into a format that easily allows you to convert it into an Excel or PDF.
- Event Setup is designed to easily see the setup details and Form Q&A on events for facilities so they can easily see the needs of the event.
- Event Setup (Legacy) is designed to be similar to Event Setup, but does NOT include setup notes for any items and will only show services if services are assigned to spaces on the Setup tab of the event.
- Event List is meant to list the events in a more visual way instead of a spreadsheet format like Report Builder.
- Space Usage is a way to view all events with the spaces associated either day by day or space by space.
Room Cards are designed so that you can run a report for all of the events happening by space or date. When using the space output option, you can print out the events of the day for that space and place it on the outside of the door to advertise the events going on.
- Check out our INFOSPACE module, which can be used to automatically display the current events of the day for the space on any digital signage display in your building.
In the example below we will use the Event Setup Report, but the options and principles apply to all reports in Event Scheduler.
To get started,
- Click on Reports, located on the left sidebar of your dashboard.
- Select your desired report type.
- Select Date Range.
- When choosing a date range you can either choose Simple Dates or Custom Dates.
Simple Dates Option
Custom Dates Option
When choosing dates you can either choose "Simple Dates" or choose "Custome Dates"
- Select desired criteria and filter options available for each report option.
- You can select one, some, or all within each of the fields (see above). Simply click inside the box and you will see a drop down menu to make your selections.
- If you need to delete an option in one of the filter drop-down menus, just click the "X" next to your selection.
Next, you have the option to search for events that have "ALL" items (spaces, resources and services) below OR "Any" of the items that you toggle on/specifically select.
- (This filter option is NOT available with the Space Usage or Room Cards reports).
Examples of Filtering with Items
- Example One: If you choose "Any" and then toggle on Room 101 and Food Service, the report output will include events that have Room 101 and/or Food Service items associated. However, if there are other items associated with the event, those items will also be included.
- Example Two: If you choose "All" and then toggle on Room 101 and Food Service, the report output will include events that have both Room 101 AND Food Service items together on the same event. However, if there are other items associated with the event, those items will also be included.
- Then, select your Output Options if desired.
- Finally, click Run Report.
- All the reports in Event Scheduler are purposely designed differently from one another and therefore do not all have the same options.
Saving Reports
You can also select Save Report which saves all of your selected criteria and adds it to a library (Saved Reports) for future use. You can name the report and mark the report as "Internally Shared" so that other users within your organization can access it or keep it Private (see below).