Sections in this article:
- Allow Work Orders to be Generated on Events
Setting Up an Event to Generate a Work Order
- Multiple Schedules on the Same Event
- Options for a Work Order Generated From an Event
- When & Where Does the Work Order Generate
- Tasks & Attachments on Generated Work Orders
- Editing the Event After the Work Order(s) is Generated
- Notification Preferences for Event Scheduler User Only!
If you are subscribed to Event Scheduler AND Work Orders & Asset Management module, you can give your users the ability to have their event automatically generate a work order! These work orders can then be automatically assigned to departments depending on the service category chosen or be assigned to individuals in Work Order & Asset Management.
- Later if you make changes to configurations or the setup tab on an event that has already generated a work order, the work order will NOT automatically update. You will instead need to go over to Work Order & Asset Management, find the Event Work Order and update as needed
Allow Work Orders to be Generated on Events
To get started with this feature, an Admin will need to go to Settings>Advanced>General>Event Creation and select the following and SAVE.
Remember, only bundled users will be able to see this option.
- When selected, a new tab will be added to the event reservation template, called “Work Order”.
Generating Work Orders on Event | Occurences & Schedules
If admins allow work orders to be generated from events, then you will see a "Work Order" tab on events. There are multiple options for generating a work order on an event.
- You can set up the event to generate one work order
- You can set up the event to generate a work order for each occurrence
- You can set up the event to generate a work order for each schedule
- If your schedules have occurrences, then you can have eSPACE generate a work order per occurrence on each schedule
- Learn more: When to Add Occurrence vs. New Schedule?
Multiple Schedules on the Same Event
- Each schedule on an event can generate a separate work order.
- If your event has multiple schedules (or overridden occurrences), then you can select a schedule in the drop-down menu at the top right and then navigate to the work orders tab to set up work orders to be generated for that schedule. You can also switch between the different schedule sub-tabs on the Work Order tab.
- See below the "Rehearsal" schedule is selected, but there are 2 other schedules on this event. You can set up all 3 of these schedules to generate a work order, or just 2 or just 1 of them.
Options for Generating a Work Order
- Below are all the options when setting up your event to automatically generate a work order.
- Location - defaults to location of the event (on the Details Tab)
- Service Category - Select appropriate Service Category for Work Order Request, based on what’s needed for event.
- Priority - Select priority based on work order needs.
- Description - Add description for work order.
Create Work Order Tasks from Setup - When you select this, individual tasks will be generated within the one work order based on the items (spaces, resources, services, form Q&A) selected on the event and the notes from the event's Setup tab will be added to each task on the work order as well. You will be able to see these tasks on the Task tab of the generated work order.
- Default Requested Completed Date to Occurrence Start Date - When selected, the work order completion date will default to the occurrence start date within your selected schedule.
- Days before Occurrence Date to Create Work Order - You have the option of selecting the number of days prior to each occurrence of your selected schedule to create the work order. Otherwise, it will default to 1.
- Include Spaces in Work Order - When selected, the spaces that are chosen on the event will also be selected on the generated work order. You will see them on the Space tab of the generated work order.
- SAVE before navigating to a different tab on the event!
- Once you have saved your work order request and are finished with the event creation process, you are ready to "Submit Event" for approval. The event must be fully approved in order for the work order to generate.
When & Where Does the Work Order Generate
- Once the event is fully approved, the work order will be generated based on the value given "Days before Occurrence Date to Create Work Order" on the event + the start date of the event.
- In Event Scheduler, for each schedule on the event, you can see the generated work orders by expanding "Generated Work Orders" on the event
- In Work Order & Asset Management, the generated work order will appear on the dashboard of all admins and sub-admins(who can manage work orders) under the “All Event Work Orders” grid ready to be assigned/approved!
Tasks & Attachments on Generated Work Orders
- On the generated work order, each space, resource, service, and internal form Q&A on the event will transfer over to the event as a task on the work order.
- Any attachment added to the event will also transfer to the work order and will be viewable on the Attachments tab.
- If you click on the work order number...
If you make a change to the Configuration or the Setup Note for an Item, you will see the following warning:
Keep in mind that changes you make to the Configuration or Setup Note for an Item does NOT automatically result in a change to the Event Work Order. You will instead need to go over to Work Order & Asset Management, find the Event Work Order and update as needed.
Notification Preferences for Event Scheduler User Only!
- If you are receiving unwanted emails because you added a work order to an event, you can easily disable them!
- Simply click the "Work Order Portal" button, located on the top of the Event Scheduler dashboard and then select the "Notification Preferences" (see below) button to disable any unwanted emails and SAVE.