Sections in this article:
- Overview of Different User Roles
- Adding Basic Users & Permission
- Adding Sub-admins & Their Permissions
- Adding Admins & Their Permission
- Adding Calendar View Only User
- New User Email Invite
- User Email Notification Adjustments
Within the eSPACE Event Scheduler, there are three types of users, User, Sub-Admin, Admin, that have access to their own version of a dashboard and can add events.
For anyone who only needs to view all events (public and internal ones), but does NOT need to add events, there is another user level, "Calendar View Access Only": Giving Staff Members Access to All Events in eSPACE | Calendar View Only Users
Overview of Different User Roles
1. User
Main Role: Add events, run reports, and see all events on the internal calendar
- Can create events (events go to pending status)
- Can edit/delete, or cancel occurrence/event only if they are the owner of the event
- No approval rights
- View the calendar
- Create reports
- No "Settings" section on left sidebar
- Can be given permissions to view and even edit Floor Plan
2. Sub-Admin
Main Role: Ability to approve items on events in their approval area
- Can create events
- Can edit/delete, or cancel occurrence/event, only if they are the owner of the event
- They can approve or decline items (spaces, resources, services) within their "Area of Approval"
- If Pre-Approval or Final Approval settings are selected, Admins can grant Sub-Admin(s) these permissions within "User Access Permissions"
- View the calendar
- Create reports
- No "Settings" section on left sidebar
- Can be given permissions to view and even edit Floor Plan
3. Admin
Main Role: Manage all account settings, users, and oversee approval flow
- Can create events
- Can circumvent entire workflow process by choosing "Auto Approve"
- Can edit/delete, approve/decline, cancel occurrences/events, resolve conflicts and override closures
- View the calendar
- Create reports
- Has access to the "Settings" section to set up their organization, assign user permissions and more
- Can choose "Pre-Approval" and/or "Final Approval" settings and select Admin(s) and/or Sub-Admins accordingly
- Can add billing contacts (must be Admin)
- Establishes workflow for the organization through the "Settings" section
- May override and circumvent workflows
- User permissions may look different based on your account plan (ex: Billing and Invoicing Admin is only shown, if you have subscribed to Billing and Invoicing).
- Only Admins can also be given access to the billing information in eSPACE. To do so, you must first give them admin access, click Save and then you will be able to give them access to billing/make them a billing contact.
- Can be given permissions to view and even edit Floor Plan
4. Calendar View Access Only
Main Role: View Public and Internal Events Only
- When this user logs in, they are directed to the internal calendar and can view the calendar only. They will still be able to switch between the different calendar views, print the 2 Week, Monthly, Agenda, and Condensed Views as well as use the same filter settings on the calendar views as other user levels.
- No access to left side menu bar and NO access to Floor Plan
Adding Basic Users & Permissions
To begin adding a new user and assign permissions:
- Go to Settings > Basic > Users
- Click Add New User
- Add the following required fields, as shown below.
Next under "User Access Permissions", unless you select for them to have Admin access, Calendar View Only, or Sub-admin access, then they will default to having only user access.
Integration Access
If you are also subscribed to COOLSPACE, SECURESPACE or INFOSPACE (sub-modules of FACILITeSPACE) then you can allow users to have access to set overrides for HVAC, doors access, or digital signage on their events in Event Scheduler. However, in order for users to have access to the full functionality of the HVAC and Door Access integration in FACILITeSPACE, the user must be an admin in Event Scheduler.
- If you later add COOLSPACE, SECURESPACE or INFOSPACE, then after you add that module to your subscription, you can go under each person's user permissions in Event Scheduler to grant them access so they can make overrides on events. If you also want to give users access to that module in FACILITeSPACE, then you can grant them access under Settings > Users in FACILITeSPACE.
Finally, select at least one location or more depending on which events you want them to have access to under "Location Permissions" and then SAVE!
Adding Sub-admins & Their Permissions
- Go to Settings > Basic > Users
- Click Add New User
- Add the following required fields, as shown below.
- If your org requires Pre-Approval and/or Final Approval (based on Settings), you will have the option to give the Sub-Admin these permissions (see attachment below). If your organization does not require these, the permissions will not be displayed within their User Access Permissions.
- Read about Pre-Approval: General: Pre-Approval Process
- Read about Final Approval: General: Final Approval Settings
Should you decide to give a Sub-Admin permissions to pre-approve events, another option will be displayed, as shown below. For pre-approvals only, you restrict the user to only pre-approve one or multiple event categories. To do so, select the Is User Restricted to pre-approve certain Event Categories and then click inside the Category Restrictions to choose the desired event categories.
Next, be sure to assign the Approval Areas that you want the Sub-Admin to manage and approve items (Spaces, Resources, Services) within.
- Read about creating Approval Areas: Approval Areas
Integration Access
If you are also using COOLSPACE, SECURESPACE or INFOSPACE (sub-modules of FACILITeSPACE) then you can allow users to have access to set overrides for HVAC, doors access, or digital signage on their events in Event Scheduler. However, in order for users to have access to the full functionality of the HVAC and Door Access integration in FACILITeSPACE, the user must be an admin in Event Scheduler.
- If you later add COOLSPACE, SECURESPACE or INFOSPACE, then after you add that module to your subscription, you can go under each person's user permissions in Event Scheduler to grant them access so they can make overrides on events. If you also want to give users access to that module in FACILITeSPACE, then you can grant them access under Settings > Users in FACILITeSPACE.
Finally, select at least one location or more depending on which events you want them to have access to underr "Location Permissions" and then SAVE!
Adding Admins & Their Permissions
- Go to Settings > Basic > Users
- Click Add New User
- Add the following required fields, as shown below.
NEXT, go to User Access Permissions and toggle on "Is Event Scheduler Admin".
- You can also give an admin the ability to see and manage your eSPACE subscription by enabling "Billing Contact". However, the main billing contact will be the person whose name, email address, and phone number are on the eSPACE billing/subscription page.
If you also want to give access to the billing information in eSPACE to an admin you can also toggle on "Billing Contact".
- If your org requires Pre-Approval and/or Final Approval (based on Settings), you will have the option to give the Admin these permissions (see attachment above). If your organization does not require these, the permissions will not be displayed within their User Access Permissions.
- Read about Pre-Approval: General: Pre-Approval Process
- Read about Final Approval: General: Final Approval Settings
Can Auto Approve Events?
- By checking this box, the Admin has the option to auto-approve events when creating an event.
- When creating an event and within the Event Details page, the Admin will then have the option to check the box, as shown below, to auto-approve the event. If this box is checked when creating an event, the event will automatically be approved and bypass any Sub-Admins, not giving them the opportunity to approve their Approval Area.
Default Auto Approved On?
- By checking the box shown below, the Administrator automatically circumvents the normal workflow to auto-approve all events that they personally request.
Integration Access
If you are also using COOLSPACE, SECURESPACE or INFOSPACE (sub-modules of FACILITeSPACE) then you can allow users to have access to set overrides for HVAC, doors access, or digital signage on their events in Event Scheduler. However, in order for users to have access to the full functionality of the HVAC and Door Access integration in FACILITeSPACE, the user must be an admin in Event Scheduler.
- If you later add COOLSPACE, SECURESPACE or INFOSPACE, then after you add that module to your subscription, you can go under each person's user permissions in Event Scheduler to grant them access so they can make overrides on events. If you also want to give users access to that module in FACILITeSPACE, then you can grant them access under Settings > Users in FACILITeSPACE.
Finally, select at least one location or more depending on which events you want them to have access to under "Location Permissions" and then SAVE!
Adding Calendar View Only Users
If you select "Calendar View Access Only", the user will only have access and be able to view the internal calendar, once logged in. They will not have a dashboard and will not be able to add events or see all the setup details on events on the calendar.
After you toggle on "Calendar View Only", under Location Permissions toggle on what locations you want them to see events for on the calendar and then SAVE!
New User Email Invite
User Email Notification Adjustments
- Learn more: Notification Preferences in Event Scheduler