Sections in this article:
- Overview
- Creating a Tag
- Seeing Tags on Spaces, Resources & Services on Events
- Filter Items by Tags Inside an Event
- Find a Space Using Tags
- Find a Space Using Tags
- Using Tags on Items Scheduler
- Using Tags on Public Event Request Forms
This is a great feature in eSPACE that allows you to add attributes or descriptions to any item (Space, Resource, Service) so that you can easily filter and search for items in a very specific way!
- For example, you may want to include an item tag such as "Big Room", "Has Whiteboard", "AV Hookup" to any Space that meets this criteria. This makes it really easy for the event requester to know which spaces will better meet their needs when they are deciding on what space to reserve.
Creating a Tag
1. To create a Tag, go to Settings > Advanced > Tags, and click "Create New Tag".
- You can also do a quick add of TAGS from any Add/Edit Item page (SettingsBasicSpaces, Resources, or Services).
4. Now that your Tag has been added, you can assign it to an Item. To do so go to Setting > Basic > Spaces and edit a space.
5. In the "Tag" section add the tag you just created. The process is the same for adding tags to resources and services. Again here you can also create a new tag to add to this item as well as others.
Seeing Tags on Spaces, Resources & Services on Events
Once Items, such as spaces, have been "tagged" they will show up on the Item tab > Space (and/or Resoruce and/or Service) tab on events.
Filter Items by Tags Inside an Event
Now comes the real power of using tags. The ability to quickly filter items by these "tagged" attributes when creating an event.
So now when you select a schedulable item, if Tags exist, a filter will be present:
- So as an example above, lets say you want to get all "Big Rooms" that have a "Projector". You can simply choose these two tags in the filter area. Once filtered, the item list will filter down to just the items that match the filter!
- You can also just simply click on any tag in the Item list to toggle a Tag.
Find a Space Using Tags
Now when using the "Find a Space" feature, you will be able to filter by Tags. This makes it really easy to find a space that relates to particular tag or group of tags.
Using Tags on Items Scheduler
Tags are also available on the Item Scheduler calendar views when searching for an item. This calendar view can be found under Calendars > Items Schedulers.
Using Tags on Public Event Request Forms
Again, when you are creating tags, if the below setting option is checked, then that tag will be available on your Public Event Request Forms.