Billing & Invoicing is a great feature available on certain subscription tiers of Event Scheduler!
For those that are on an eSPACE subscription tier which includes Billing & Invoicing, users with access will be able to create a new invoice either on an event OR by going to Billing & Invoicing > Invoices in your left side menu bar inside Event Scheduler.
- When creating an invoice on an event you can choose to either generate the invoice for one OR all the occurrences. After the invoice is created you can make any additional edits that you need on the invoice in the Billing & Invoicing Module under the Invoices section. Read more below.
- Related article: Billing & Invoicing: Getting Started & Creating an Invoice on an Event
Creating an Invoice
From an Event
1. A. When creating an invoice from an event, go to the Billing tab and select "Generate invoice".
- Then you will be presented with a pop up box where you can either choose to generate an invoice for all occurrences or a specific one.
- Once you click Save then you will be navigated to the invoice within the Billing & Invoicing feature in your left side menu bar. At that point the invoice will be in a draft state, ready for you to make adjustments before sending the proposal and then the invoice.
From Billing & Invoicing
B. If you need to create an invoice and not have it ties to an event, then go to Billing & Invoicing in your left side menu bar, expand and select Invoices. On the Invoices page select the Create Invoice button and complete the form (search or add contact, funding account and add one or more locations) form and SAVE. Once saved, the invoice will be in a draft status. All users with access to Billing & Invoicing will be able to see all invoices, whether they are in a draft status or another staus, under the Billing & Invoicing feature in the left side menu bar under Invoices.
- Each tab represents the status of the invoice and each tab has different fields within, applicable to the status.
Invoice in Draft State
2. Once the invoice is created, it will be in a draft status within on the Drafts tab. There you can view and/or edit the Invoice Details (customer contact information and locations) within the form.
- Notice the DRAFT status badge to the right of the invoice number!
Adding Items
3. Scroll down to Invoice Items and select $ Add Item (see attached below). A window will open where you can choose Select a Product to select an existing product or you can add a new invoice item and SAVE (see second attachment).
Reviewing the Price of Items & Discounts
Once you are finished with adding your items, they will be displayed within your Invoice Items with Quantity, Unit Price, Subtotal, Tax Rate and Total Price of each, as shown below.
- You can search, edit or delete an item, apply a discount, and export the item list to Excel.
Payment Due Date
4. Next, select a Payment Due option. You can select Due Days and select desired number of days after the invoice is sent OR or select Due Date and enter the desired payment due date!
5. If you want to Require a Deposit, be sure to select this option below Deposit Options. You will then be able to choose a Deposit Type. You can select Percentageand add desired percentage OR you can select Fixed Amount and add desired deposit amount.
6. If you've already added memo notes within Invoice Settings, they will automatically be populated here. You can delete the current memo and add another memo of your choice!
7. You can easily add attachments from your computer or add documents that are within your Document Library.
Internal Notes
8. Add any additional notes that you want to include within the invoice here.
Reviewing Invoice History Changes
9. View the invoice HISTORY with ability to search, filter and export to Excel.
10. Be sure to SAVE your invoice information.
Send Proposal
11. NEXT, click Send Proposal. If you have set up a SafeSave funding account and added that to your Billing & Invoicing feature then you will be able to bypass the proposal status.
Then a new window will open where you can view the invoice and send a copy of the invoice to others. Simply separate each email by a comma! You can also include a note.
When finished filling out all the information for the porposal, select Send to send the Proposal.
Recipient Receives Proposal Email
When the invoice is sent, the recipient will get an email with the details of the proposal and a link to accept or decline the proposal.
- All emails from eSPACE, including proposals and invoices are sent from
- When the recipient receives the proposal, they can click "VIEW PROPOSAL" as shown above, to then either ACCEPT or DECLINE.
- If they decline the proposal, they can give a reason.
- If they accept the proposal, they will see the following within the proposal.....
12. Back in eSPACE, the invoice will now be in a Proposed status. Within the proposed state, you have the options to Change Status, Send Invoice, Print/Preview, Download, Cancel, Save or Resend Proposal.
Proposal Accepted or Declined
13. If you go back to to Billing & Invoicing > Invoices, you will find the proposal listed under the Proposals tab and will be able to see when the proposal has been accepted or declined here.
Send Invoice
14. Once your proposal has been accepted, you are ready to send the invoice!
- Notice here that you can also manually change the status of an invoice, print/preview, download, cancel and resend the proposal.
When you click on Send Invoice, a new window will open where you can review the invoice and carbon copy the invoice to others. Simply separate each email by a comma! You can also include a note. When you are ready, select SEND.
Once an invoice has been sent, but has not yet been paid, the Send Invoice button becomes a Resend Invoice button, and by clicking it the same process for sending an invoice follows.
15. Now that the invoice has been sent, it moves to an OUTSTANDING status...
....and continues to move along the different statuses, based on the activity such as payment.
Customer Pays Deposit
16. When you send the invoice, the customer will get another email from eSPACE with the invoice and the options to either pay the deposit (if there is one) or pay the invoice.
If the customer decides to pay for the deposit only at first then the status of the invoice will change to "Partically Paid".
You will see the "partially paid" transaction under the Transaction tab of the invoice in the Billing & Invoicing module.
You will also see that update recorded in the History tab of the invoice.
Resend Partially Paid Invoice
If you need to resend the invoice for any reason after the deposit has been paid, you can choose to "Resend Invoice" and the amount remaining will be properly reflected.
Customer Pays Invoice
17. When the customer receives the invoice, they could decide to pay the full amount and not just the deposit.
When they click on PAY INVOICE, they can review the invoice and choose Enter Credit Card Info to add their credit card information...
...then select PAY to submit payment!
- All payments and transactions in eSPACE are made possible by SafeSave.
17. Once the invoice has been paid, it will show within the PAID tab.
Paying By Check & Not Credit Card
- If an invoice is being paid by check or cash, you can manually change the Outstanding status to Paid by clicking the blue Details button to the right of the outstanding invoice (shown below).....
- ...then select the Change Status button...
- Paid from the New Status drop-down menu and Save Changes.
- The invoice will then show as Paid and be displayed within the Paid tab.
Different eSPACE Subscription Tiers include Different Features
Viewing Your Subscription Details
- Each eSPACE admin with access to Billing can view what subscription tier your organization currently has and everything that is included in their account under Settings > Other > Billing > Manage.