Sections in this article:
Customizing the Internal Calendar for the Organization
- Show Canceled Event Occurrences on the Internal Calendar
- Show Location Information on the Internal Calendar
- Show Space Information on the Calendar
- Show Requests On Internal Calendars
- Warn users when reserving Parent Items if they wish to reserve all child items?
- Show National Holidays On Internal Calendars
Customizing the Internal Calendar for the Organization
If you want to show space information on the internal calendar, canceled events, national holidays and more, then navigate to Settings > Advanced > General > Display Options.
Here are the display feature settings with a description of each. Select the settings that are best for your organizational needs!
Show Canceled Event Occurrences on the Internal Calendar
- Select this box if you want your canceled event occurrences to be displayed on your internal calendar.
- If NOT selected, canceled events will simply disappear from your internal calendar view for all users once it has been canceled.
- (Canceled is different than deleted. Canceled will be searchable in the master search bar at the top of your eSPACE account, however, deleted events and/or occurrences will be permanently removed from your eSPACE account and unrecoverable.)
Show Location Information on the Internal Calendar
- If enabled then the location code (abbreviation) will appear on the events on the internal calendar views for users. It will appear before each event name and before each space, resource, and service on that event.
- If this setting is not enabled, then the location code (abbreviation) will not appear on the events on the internal calendar views.
- No matter how many locations your eSPACE account has, locations are the foundation of your account and users will only see events, spaces, resources, and services that are tied to the same location that they have access to under their user permissions. Spaces, services, and services that are NOT tied to any locations will always appear on event requests for all users.
- Learn more: Locations | Adding, Editing, Parsing Out Permissions, Assigning Items
Show Space Information on the Calendar
- Select if you want the space information to always be displayed when looking over the events on the internal calendar, rather than having to hover over the event in order to view the space information.
Show Requests On Internal Calendars
- Select if you want all of your public event requests to show on the internal calendar for ALL users, not just admins.
- If allowed, the events that are still pending approval from sub-admins and admins in the regular level of approval (not awaiting pre or final approval) will be highlighted in yellow.
Warn users when reserving Parent Items if they wish to reserve all child items?
If you have your spaces and/or resources and/or services arranged in a hierarchy, then turning this setting on will give your users a warning when they toggle on the "parent" item instead of first expanding the "parent" item and then choosing specific ones sub-items nested underneath.
- When items are in a hierarchy, users should always expand the "parent" item first and then make their selection, unless they mean to reserve all the sub-spaces for their event.
However, when they see this message they can click Yes or No and still remove or add any spaces, resources or services that they need to.
Show National Holidays On Internal Calendars
- When this setting is selected, all National holidays will automatically be displayed on the internal calendars as a label.
- Read this Knowledge Base article to learn how to mass cancel events that happen to fall on a holiday, while simultaneously blocking future event requests for that same day: Availability: Adding Closures