Sections in this article:
Viewing Subscription Account Details Overview
- Viewing Account Usage & Current Subscription
- Adding Feature(s) to Subscription
- Removing Feature(s)
Updating Payment Information
- Payment Options
- Payment Information
- Payment Didn't Go Through
- Billing History/ Copy of Receipt
Viewing Subscription Account Details Overview
If you are an admin and billing contact within your organization (according to your user permissions) you can access your eSPACE account's billing section to see your subscription page, your payment method page & billing contact page, and the history of your subscription payments & download receipts.
On the Billing > Manage page is where you can view what subscription level you are on, see what's included, and make changes.
- To see how many events, work orders, and items (spaces, resources, services & equipment pieces) are included in each subscription tier along with what features are included please visit: eSPACE Pricing Page
On the Billing > Payment Method page is where you can update your credit card information and the main billing contact.
- Like many subscription-based companies, we only take payment by credit card or e-check (electronic check).
On the Billing > History page is where you can see the past charges, download receipts, and check to see if the latest charge went through after you updated your payment information.
- If your accounting person needs a receipt, you can download your past subscription charges on this page.
Viewing Account Usage & Current Subscription
- Go to the top right of your dashboard, select the profile icon drop-down menu and select Billing
- Go to the left sidebar of your dashboard, select Settings > Other > Billing > Manage
- Here you can view your current usage, what subscription level you are on, see everything that is included in your subscription, including what Customer Care Plan you have, and make changes.
Adding Feature(s) to Subscription
- Before you add anything to your subscription, we would love to meet with you and have a live demo. In order to schedule a demo with a salesperson, please click the "Talk to Us" button below any of the features on the Billing > Manage page.
- For any changes that you make, you will see them added in the "Next Payment" section.
- Click "Next" to proceed with paying for your upgrade or new feature(s).
Removing Feature(s)
- On the Billing > Manage page is where you can begin if you wish to remove any features from your current subscription, based on tier level and current usage, or to cancel your subscription in full. Keep in mind that you won't be able to move to a lower subscription tier unless your account usage matches what's included in that tier.
- If you would like to talk to someone before making changes to your subscription, please feel free to reach out to
Updating Payment Information
On this page, you can update the credit card on file or payment method and update the main billing contact.
Payment Options
- Like many subscription-based companies, we only take payment by credit card or e-check (electronic check).
Payment Information
- Since we do not keep all your payment information on file, A. if you need to update your form of payment you must enter in all the payment information in order to update your subscription or make a payment on a new card.
- B. Afterwards, you will need to agree to terms and conditions.
- C. Last, click the Submit button at the bottom right-hand side.
Payment Didn't Go Through
- All subscriptions paid for my credit card happen automatically on the regularly scheduled billing date and can not be manually moved or adjusted. Our system will try more than once to automatically process payment, but if it is unsuccessful for any reason, then an error message will display at the top of the Billing > Payment Method page.
- If the subscription payment doesn't go through after several tries then eSPACE will automatically send an email to the main billing contact about the issue asking them to update payment information.
- After a few days of being unable to process payment OR if the subscription is not paid for manually by e-check in time, then the eSPACE account will be suspended for all users.
Billing History/ Copy of Receipt
If you or someone from your organization needs a copy of the receipt for your eSPACE subscription payment, then go to Billing > History to view or download a copy.
- Like many subscription-based companies, we don't send emails about upcoming charges, but if your accounting person needs a receipt, you can download your past subscription charges on this page.
- All unsuccessful transactions will also appear on the History tab.