Admins can setup inbound emails addresses to process work orders! Once setup, users can simply email their requests including attachments and they will be created in the Work Order & Asset Management module.
- Service Categories are required for new Work Orders. We recommend that you create a new Service Category called "Public Email Request" and assign this "Service Category" to the public email request within Setup. You will also need to give your users permissions for the new Service Category. To do this, go to SettingsBasicUsers, select green edit button and check the new service category and SAVE.
Option 2: Instead of an email address generated by eSPACE, you can have non-eSPACE users fill out an external form: Public Work Order Request: Form Setup
- Compare the available settings for the external form, email, and internal work order request (located under Settings/Advanced/General) to help decide which way someone should submit a work order request. EX: Typically staff members are given a regular user account in Work Order & Asset Management so they can log in on their desktop or mobile app to click "Add Work Order", while teachers & general occupants in the building fill out an external form or email in their work order request.
- Approving Process: As long as a work order is not automatically assigned to a user, department, or external vendor, then it will appear in the admin's "All New Work Orders" grid so they can approve/assign it.
Setting Up Emails to Create Work Orders
- 1. Go to Settings > Advanced > Public Work Order Request, located in the left navigation menu and click "Email Setup".
- 2. Next, click the blue
button, complete the required information, then SAVE.
- 3. eSPACE will then generate an email for you to use!
- 4. You can also create a separate email address in your organization and set it up to forward all emails to that eSPACE-generated email. This way staff members can email "" and then those will forward to eSPACE and create work order requests. However, the organization email address that you set up forwarding with can NOT be associated with any user in the system. It must be a completely separate email address that is ONLY used to forward emails to the eSPACE-generated email in order to create work orders.
- You can set up as many different emails as you like to segregate and organize the requests, EX:,, ect....
- 5. In addition, you can choose to setup these work order requests to route to certain users or departments. This allows quick auto-assignment based on the email you have setup.
Questions and Answers:
Q. What happens when the email for the work order request is sent?
A. Based on how an Admin set it up, it will either show within the "New Work Orders" grid to be approved/assigned OR if automatically assigned within setup, it will show under the appropriate grid (ex: My Department Work Orders, Work Orders in Progress, My Assigned Work Orders).
Q. Does the requester receive emails when the work order is approved, completed, or closed?
A. The requester does receive an email when the work order is approved, declined, and completed/closed (see below).