What does the eSPACE Work Order Management solve for you?
Are you tired of having a difficult to track work order system within your organization? We have a single resource that will help you and your people be able to submit work orders orders, assign them to users, departments or vendors, create scheduled preventative maintenance, track work orders done on equipment, track inventory items and more!
Highlighted Benefits and Highlights:
Users & Locations are already integrated for bundled clients using both the Event Scheduler and Work Order Management modules
- Since the modules are integrated, if you already have one of them, you will not have to recreate all the users and/or locations when you add the second module. Just go to Settings> Basic > Users in both modules and make sure users have the correct level of access for each one.
Service Categories
These are the foundation of Work Order & Asset Management. Service Categories differentiate your work orders based on the type of work to be accomplished.
- For example, if a pipe bursts in your wall, you can signify that it is a plumbing problem by associating a "Plumbing" service category to the work order.
Users: Only vendors, users, sub-admins, and admins with access to the same service category as what is added to a work order can be assigned that work order (also assuming they have the ability under their user permissions to perform work).
Equipment that has specific service categories assigned to it can only be assigned to a work order if the work order also has that same service category chosen on it. The same is true for spaces, if a piece of equipment has been assigned to a space, then it will only be able to be assigned to a work that also has that same space already assigned to it.
To add a new "Service Category", click on Settings > Basic > Service Categories, then click "Add New Service Category" add your information and SAVE. Once new service categories are added to your eSPACE account then go to Settings > Basic > Users and edit people's user permissions so the right users have access to that Service Category. Under Report > Report Builder you can run reports based on one or more service categories.
Tracking Work Orders on Equipment
You can track the work orders associated with each piece of equipment. This will help with the future planning of replacements as well as help manage the people working on them.
Click on Settings > Basic > Equipment, then click "Add New Equipment", and then fill out all the information associated with the equipment and SAVE. You can even upload a picture of the piece of equipment for your records.
Allow Users to Create Work Orders from their User Portal
Admns can give people limited access to Work Order & Asset Management by adding them as a portal user! This will allow them (ex: Security Guard) to request work orders only and add conversations within, without them having access to the Work Order Management dashboard.
Go to Settings > Basic > Users, "Add New User", add their information and select "Work Order Portal User".
For ES & WOMs- Bundled customers: All internal users that have access to the Event Scheduler module have the ability to create a work order from their Event Scheduler dashboard. There is a "Work Order Portal" button on the top of their dashboard that they can select when they want to add a work order. There is no need to add them as portal users in the Work Order Management module!
Assign a Work Order to a Department
You can set your account up so that work orders can be assigned to a department (based on the service category that is selected). When work orders are assigned to a department, it's like assigning a work order to a group of people. Then it's up to the people in that department to work together and make sure they are assigning work orders to themselves (the individual user) and performing the work.
- You can either set your account up so that admins assign the work order to a department when reviewing the work order OR set your account up so that work order requesters can choose to assign the work order to a department (based on the service category selected) by changing settings under Advanced> General > Work Order Creation.
To set up or add departments go to Settings > Basic > Departments, then select "Add New Department", assign the right service categories to it and SAVE. Once a new department has been added, make sure to go to Settings > Basic > Users and edit people's permissions so the right people have access to that department.
External Vendor Relationships Through eSPACE: Assigning & Managing their WO's
External Vendors are people/organizations that are outside of your organization (ex: Trane, Oracle, local paint or carpet repair company, etc.)that you can add to your Work Order account so that you or work order requesters can assign work orders to them (based on the service category that is on the work order and the service category that the vendor has access to).
To add external vendors, go to Settings > Basic > External Vendors, then select Add/Search External Vendors. You can search by company name and state within our system. If nothing comes up click Add External Vendor.
When you add a new vendor add their name and address, assign the right service categories to them and then click Save.
A contact must be added to the vendor in order to assign the work order to that vendor.
- All External Vendors will log in to the External Vendor Portal: https://app.espace.cool/ExternalVendor/Account/Login
- There they see the work orders that have been assigned to them and update the status when the work has been completed.
Managing Your Inventory
All Admins within Work Order Management have complete access and can manage inventory. However, if an Admin gives a Sub-Admin permission rights to manage inventory, they will also see the Settings > Advanced > Inventory tab on their dashboard.
In order to manage your inventory you may start with clicking on Settings > Advanced > Inventory, then click on Inventory Types. Next, click on Add New Inventory Type, then fill out what type you want to add (ex: Cleaning Supplies) and select one or more Service Categories you want to link it to (ex: Housekeeping / Janitorial).
Now, go to Inventory items, select Add a New Inventory Item (ex: Antibacterial Disinfecting Wipes) , complete the form and SAVE.
If you would like to keep track of what you currently have in inventory you can click on Settings > Advanced > Inventory > Current Inventory, then click on "Inventory Adjustment" as shown below.
Then choose the inventory item, location, action (receive or deplete), quantity and SAVE.
Document Library
You can easily upload any documents (owner's manuals, evacuation plan, work schedules, etc.) to your Document Library that you want to have access to and be able to share with others within your organization. You can add these to equipment or within a work order.
Go to Settings > Advanced > Document Library, fill in the name of the document, and then upload it. It will now be included in your document library any time you need it to help with the Work Order process.
Adding a Work Order
For all users that have been given an account in their organization's Work Order & Asset Management, on their dashboard they can click Add Work Order, located on the top right of their dashboard or from the left sidebar of their dashboard as shown below. Then based on the settings and admin has implemented, they will add a Location, space, service category, possibly fill out a form, pick a priority level, add a description, and possibly assign it to a user, department or vendor (based on the service category already selected).
Once submitted, the admins will see the submitted work orders on their Dashboard and can review them. If the work order has not already been assigned, they can assign it to a user, department, vendor or themselves. They can also re-assign them to a different user, department or vendor (based on the service category on the work order).
- If the work order requester is able to assign the work order to a user, department or vendor on the work order itself, then once submitted admins will see them under their "Non-Completed Work Orders" and "All Work Orders in Progress" grids.
- If the work order submitted is NOT able to assign the work order to a user, department or vendor, then once submitted the admin will see it under their "New Work Orders" grid and they can then assign it to a user, department, vendor or themselves. They can also choose to reject the work order.
Conversations within Work Orders
When using the eSPACE Work Order Management module, you may be asking what are conversations? They can be defined as a group of comments between a certain sub-set of people regarding the work order. Conversations exist in Work Order Management so that all communication and comments around a work order can be streamlined and logged.
To add a conversation between you and an admin, sub-admin, requester, assignee, other WOMs user, or an external vendor (based on the service category) just click "New Conversation". You can also edit previous conversations or add a third person to them, as well as close or view conversations.
On going Support & Feature Requests
We have worked hard to provide a great Knowledge Base, which can help explain how many of the features in our eSPACE modules work and answer any questions that you may have. They have screenshots and step-by-step instructions which will help you learn eSPACE better!
We are grateful for our clients and strive to provide the best customer service out there! You can submit a ticket to Support at any time by clicking on Help > "Support", located on the top right of your dashboard as shown below. You can also call us at 888-448-5664 and leave a voicemail and request a callback. We welcome any questions or concerns that you may have.
Also, within the "Help" drop-down menu, feel free to click on "COMMUNITeSPACE" and go to the Feature Request section to post your own feature request and "upvote" others! Votes on feature requests are important and help drive development!
If at any point in time, you and your staff need a lot more one-on-one training, you can request Training (which can be paid for at an hourly rate depending on what Customer Service level your subscription has).
Our goal at eSPACE is to assist you with being more effective, efficient and intentional with the facilities that you have been entrusted to steward!
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