Sections in this article:
- Overview
- How to Add Equipment
- Additional Equipment Fields
- Assigning Equipment to a Space
- Assigning Equipment on a Work Order
- Adding Custom Fields to Work Orders or Equipment
- Exporting Equipment List
- Retiring Equipment
- Tracking Work Orders Associated to Equipment
All Admins within Work Order Management have complete access and can manage equipment.
- However, if an Admin gives a Sub-Admin permission rights to manage equipment, they will also see the Settings > Basic > Equipment tab on their dashboard (see below).
Once equipment is added, you can assign it to work orders (based on the spaces and service category assigned to the work order) and preventative maintenance schedules (based on the service category and space chosen).
- After 300 pieces of equipment are entered, you will be required and promoted to use at least one filter option in order to see your equipment. This is purposely designed into the software in order to maintain optimized software performance and thus a smoother user experience after a large amount of equipment has been added. You can still use multiple filter options on the equipment page if desired.
How to Add Equipment
To add equipment, go to Settings > Basic > Equipment located on your left side bar.
then choose "Add New Equipment" (see below).
- Bar code capabilities are included as part of the Asset Pro as well as Vehicle Pro features which are only available on certain subscription tiers of eSPACE: Click here to see which features are included with each tier!
- Each eSPACE admin with access to Billing can view what subscription tier your organization currently has and everything that is included in their account under Settings > Other > Billing > Manage.
Add the Equipment Name, associate the equipment with one or more Service Categories, add the Equipment Description, add the Location of the Equipment.
Additional Equipment Fields
Several additional fields are available to include with your equipment including Manufacturer, Model #, Serial #, Date-in-Service, Warranty Exp - Parts, and Warranty Exp - Labor. You are also able to upload images or documents to associate with your equipment.
Adding an Image: You can click "Select File" to choose one from your computer to upload to then show was the image for that piece of equipement.
- If you choose to upload more than one image, you can make one of them the default image.
- If you choose to upload more than one image, you can make one of them the default image.
- Warrenty: When the Warranty Exp - Parts expire, the name of the equipment will be highlighted in RED as well as the expiration date
Assigning Equipment to a Space
Finally, select the space where the equipment is located to finish your entry (make sure that this "space" is a "child" space in the hierarchy and not a "parent" space).
For all equipment pieces that are assigned to a space, you will only be able to add the equipment to a work order when that same space is assigned to the work order.
- EX: If "HVAC Unit 4" is assigned to space "The Lobby" then as long as "The Lobby" is assigned to a work order, equipment "HVAC Unit 4" will then be able to be selected on the Details tab of that same work order.
- The same is true for locations, a work order that is assigned to "Main Campus" will only be able to have spaces and equipment assigned to it that are also assigned to the "Main Campus".
Then choose Save or Save and Add Another.
Assigning Equipment on a Work Order
- On a work order, when a space is selected,
- ..the equipment that has that space assigned to it will be able to be added to the work order as well.
- If you are unable to select a piece of equipment on a work order, then check to see what spaces are assigned to the work order and then go to Settings > Basic > Equipment and check to see which equipment is assigned to the space(s) chosen on that work order. Make corrections as needed.
Adding Custom Fields to Work Orders or Equipment
If you want to include more information about your equipment, you can add your own User Defined Fields. Learn more at the link provided below.
Exporting Equipment List
If you want to export your equipment list, click on the green "Export Equipment" button. Then you will be directed to another page where you can select any or all the fields you want to export and even order them according to how you want to see them.
Retiring Equipment
Once equipment is added, you will be able to indicate when equipment is retired by selected the retired toggle button shown below. You will only see this toggle when you EDIT equipment that has previously been added.
Retired equipment still counts towards the equipment count because we're keeping the historical data accessible. However, deleted equipment does not count towards the equipment count.
Tracking Work Orders Associated to Equipment
Within "Equipment", you can track the work orders associated with each piece of equipment. This will help with the future planning of replacements as well as help manage the people working on them.