Sections in this article:
- Overview
- Alternative Option: Public Work Order Request: Email Setup
- Approval Process
How to Create a Public Work Order Form
- Sharing the Link
- Sharing the Embed Code
- Extra Option: QR Code
- Non-eSPACE Users Submitting a Work Order
- Submitted Public Work Order Requests
Admins have the ability to customize and expose one or more request forms, make them location specific and have people be able to submit a request without having to create them as a user in eSPACE.
Requester Updates
- The requesters who submit a work order by using the form will get email updates when the status of the work order changes, letting them know when a Work Order has been approved and closed.
- When the email notification gets triggered depends on whether an admin has enabled "Default Require Approval after Completion for Work Orders" under Settings > Advanced > General > Work Order Creation.
- If the account has "Default Require Approval after Completion for Work Orders" enabled then once the person assigned to the work order (or admin or sub-admin who can manage work orders) marks it complete, then the work order will go to the admin's dashboard to the "All Completed Work Orders to be Reviewed". Once the admin updates the status of the work order to "Closed", then eSPACE will send an email notification to the person who submitted the work order letting them know that it was completed and closed.
- If the account does not have that setting enabled (one above), then once the person assigned to the work order (or an admin or sub-admin who can manage work orders) updates the status to "Complete", eSPACE will automatically update it to the "Closed" status as well, which will trigger the email to the person who submitted the work order via the public form so they know that the work order has been completed and closed.
Alternative Option
- Instead of an external form, you can have non-eSPACE users email in work orders: Public Work Order Request: Email Setup
- Compare the available settings for the external form, email, and internal work order request (located under Settings/Advanced/General) to help decide which way someone should submit a work order request. EX: Typically staff members are given a regular user account in Work Order & Asset Management so they can log in on their desktop or mobile app to click "Add Work Order", while teachers & general occupants in the building fill out an external form or email in their work order request.
- Instead of an external form, you can have non-eSPACE users email in work orders: Public Work Order Request: Email Setup
Approval Process
- As long as a work order is not automatically assigned to a user, department, or external vendor, then it will appear in the admin's "All New Work Orders" grid so they can approve/assign it.
How to Create a Public Work Order Form
- Click on Settings > Advanced > Public WO Request, then select Forms Setup. Note: Settings is only available for Admins.
- Click on +Create Work Order Request Form as shown below.
- Next, add a name for your form and choose your desired settings. Once you are done, be sure to select SAVE.
- Locations: Since locations are the foundation of every eSPACE account, regardless if you have one-location more than one, you MUST choose at least one location OR leave the default to "ALL".
Then once set up, you can share the link with people or use the embed code to embed it to your website so that external users can easily request a work order.
Sharing Link
- A. Click "View" to the right of the form name/title
- B. Click on the shortened link
- C. Copy the full link in the UR
- C. Copy the full link in the UR
Sharing Embed Code
- A.Click "View" next to the name /title of the form
- B. Click on the "Copy Embed Code" and then paste it on your website or wherever you need to paste the embed code.
Extra Option: QR Code
- If you would like to provide accessibility to the form via a QR Code, you can do so by using any QR Code generator of your choosing. Merely enter the Public WO Request Form Link as the URL within the generator.
- This is outside of eSpace and you can utilize the help for the QR Code generator selected for any questions.
- If you would like to provide accessibility to the form via a QR Code, you can do so by using any QR Code generator of your choosing. Merely enter the Public WO Request Form Link as the URL within the generator.
Non-eSPACE Users Submitting a Work Order
When people request a work order, using the form, this is what it will look like, based on your settings selected.
- Once the work order request is submitted, the form submitter will get the message in the below screenshot.
- Admins have access to a setting under Settings/Advanced/General/Display Features to either allow OR disallow form submitters to check the status of their work orders. This setting is called "Don't allow searching for public work orders on public page".
- If admins allow form submitters to see the status of all their submitted work orders, then they will be able to click on either "You can always check the status of your work order here" or "My submitted work orders". Once they do, they will be navigated to a dashboard of their own.
Submitted Public Work Order Requests
Where They Will Appear
- The new work order request will show on the internal users ' dashboards, based on your organization's settings and user permissions given.
- If the submitted public work order is NOT automatically assigned to a user, department, or external vendor, then it will appear in the "New Work Orders" grid ready for an admin to assign it to a user. Once a work order is assigned, it's approved.
- If the work order is automatically assigned to a user, department, or external vendor based on a Routing Rule, then the work order will be automatically approved and appear in that user's or department's grid on their Dashboard(s). The user or users with access to that same department will also get an email notification about a new work order as long as they have the right email notifications enabled and they can sign into their eSPACE account to see all the details of the work order.
- For example, if a work order is automatically assigned to a user based on the service category chosen and then it will appear on that user's Dashboard in the "My Assigned Work Orders". At the same time, it will appear on an admin's Dashboard in the "All Work Orders in Progress" grid as well as the "Non-Completed Work Orders" grid.
Seeing Work Order Details From the Dashboard
- Users can expand the work order to see additional details of the work order or they can click on the work order and review the information on the different tabs of the work order.
- Users must have access to the same location and service category as the work order in order to be able to see and be assigned the work order. If your organization has set up departments, then they will also need access to the department that the work order is assigned to in order for them to see and assign the work order to themselves.
Icons of the Work Order
On the Admin dashboard grids, there is an icon to show which Work Orders were submitted using the public form. While regular users won't see this icon on work orders, it is helpful for admins to see since they are in charge of managing all work orders.
The requesters who submit a work order by using the form will get email updates when the status of the work order changes to the "Closed" status (read more at the beginning of this article), letting them know when a Work Order has been approved and closed.