When a work order is assigned to an internal user performing the work, they will receive an email notification and see the new work order on their dashboard under "My Assigned Work Orders".
The internal user can view the details of the work order by clicking on the WO #or by clicking on the "" expand button to the left of the WO#.
Expanded work order with tabs:
Within the work order and tab view, you can see and do the following:
- Details tab - Add additional details (projected hours / actual hours, add General Comments, associate a piece of equipment if it is related to the work order, etc.)
- Spaces (based on settings selected) - associate a space where the work is being done.
- Items/Costs - Ability to "Add New Equipment Item, Add New Inventory Item, Add New Misc. Cost Item and/or Add Labor/Time.
- Tasks - Add/review additional tasks and mark them complete
- Conversations - Start a new conversation and invite participants to the conversation regarding the work order.
- Attachments - Add attachments from your computer or documents within your Document Library that are related to the work order.
- History - View the different work order actions with date/time stamp from requested to completed status!
- Forms - View, Edit and/or Print any forms associated to the work order.
Once the duties of the work order have been performed, they can select "Complete".
Upon being marked complete, the work order will show in their "My Completed Work Waiting to be Reviewed & Closed".
If the Admin is happy with the completed work, it will be closed and no longer will show on this grid.
If the Admin does not accept the completed work, the internal user will receive an email notification and will see the work order under the "My Work Not Accepted" grid, which will appear at the top of their dashboard. They can select the green "Restart Work" to restart the work.
Once this is done, the work order will be moved to the "My Assigned Work Orders" (as shown on the top of page) grid until marked complete.