Sections in this article:
- Viewing the Assigned Work Order
- Changes They Can Make to the Work Order
- Starting the Work
- Completing the Work Order
- Recording Time Spent on the Work Order
- Approving the Completed Work Order
Viewing the Assigned Work Order
When a work order is assigned to an internal user, they will receive an email notification and see the new work order on their dashboard under "My Assigned Work Orders".
- They must have their notifications enabled in order to receive the notification: Notification Preferences in Work Order & Asset Management
The internal user can view the details of the work order by clicking on the WO #or by clicking on the blue arrow (expand button) to the left of the WO#.
Example of an expanded work order with tabs
Changes They Can Make to the Work Order
Within the work order and tab view, a user will be able to see and do the following:
- Details tab - Add additional details (projected hours / actual hours, add General Comments, associate a piece of equipment if it is related to the work order, etc.)
- Spaces (based on settings selected) - associate a space where the work is being done.
- Items/Costs - Ability to "Add New Equipment Item, Add New Inventory Item, Add New Misc. Cost Item and/or Add Labor/Time.
- Tasks - Add/review additional tasks and mark them complete
- Conversations - Start a new conversation and invite participants to the conversation regarding the work order.
- Attachments - Add attachments from your computer or documents within your Document Library that are related to the work order.
- History - View the different work order actions with date/time stamp from requested to completed status!
- Forms - View, Edit and/or Print any forms associated to the work order.
Starting the Work
Option 1: The User assigned to the work order can click "Start Work" on the work order on their Dashboard. Once they complete the work, they can click "Stop Work".
- Keep in mind that the "Start" and "Stop" work does not record time spent on the work order. It is a way for an admin to see if a user is actively working on completing a work order when viewing work orders on their admin Dashboard. When a user has clicked "Start Work", the work order will show with a status of "Started" on the admin's Dashboard in the "All Work Orders in Progress" grid.
- Example of an Admin's Dashboard
Option 2: When they have completed the work order (including all the tasks on the work order)they can update the work order status to "Complete" or click "Complete" on the work order on their Dashboard.
Completing the Work Order
Once the duties of the work order have been performed, they can update the status of the work order to "Complete".
If the work order requires approval by an admin, when the assigned user updates the status to "Complete", the work order will show in the assigned user's "My Completed Work Waiting to be Reviewed & Closed". It will also appear in the admin's "All Completed Work to Be Reviewed" grid. If sub-admin's have the ability to manage work orders then they will also see it in the "All Completed Work to Be Reviewed" grid.
- Admins can default all work orders to need approval under Settings > Advanced > General > Work Order Workflow, "Default Require Approval after Completion for Work Orders".
If the work order doesn't require approval, when the assigned user updates the work order to the "Completed" status, the work order will automatically move to the "Closed" status and be removed from the dashboard.
Recording Time Spent on the Work Order
In order for a user to record the total time they spent on the work order, they can click on the Costs tab of a work order, select "+Add Labor/Time", and fill out the necessary fields.
Approving the Completed Work Order
If the Admin approves with the completed work, then they can update the status to "Closed" and then the work order will no longer will show on this grid.
If the Admin does not accept the completed work, the internal user will receive an email notification and will see the work order under the "My Work Not Accepted" grid, which will appear at the top of their dashboard. They can select the green "Restart Work" to restart the work.
- Once this is done, the work order will be moved to the "My Assigned Work Orders" (as shown on the top of page) grid until marked complete again.