Sections in this article:
- Adding a New Space/Resource/Service
- Additional Settings When Adding a New Resource
- Specifics About Adding a New Service
- Disabling Conflict Detection for Resource and/or Service
- Creating a Hierarchy of Spaces, Resources & Services
To add your spaces or resources or services, go to Settings>Basic>Spaces/Resources/Services, then follow the instructions below.
- Read this Knowledge Base article for more: Spaces, Resources, Services Navigation | Event Scheduler
Adding a New Space/Resource/Service
In this article, we will use "adding a space" as the main example, but the specific exceptions for resources and services are pointed out below as well.
- Click Add New Space at the top right of the page
Name & Location
- Add the Space Name
- If you have setup multiple locations, choose the location where you are adding the space.
- NEXT, you can add an Availability Schedule to the space, you can select from the drop-down menu.
- When using COOLSPACE to integrate with a building controls system that has a JACE or speaks BACnet, you can select the HVAC Unit to be mapped to the Space.
- For thermostat integrations, you can go to "My Modules" > FACILITeSPACE > HVAC > Stats to assign spaces to each thermostat.
- If you are using Sub-Admins to approve certain items (Spaces, Resources, Services), you can select from the drop-down the Approval Area that you'd like to associate with the Space (optional). NOTE: Approval Areas must be created first: Approval Areas - Parsing Out Items for Sub-admin Approval
- Associate One or Multiple Tags (TV, Whiteboard, No Food Allowed, etc.) so that users can easily filter them within Items to find the item that will work for them (see attached below).
Internal Form
Assign a Form and make it required, if desired. These are forms that you have created and that are stored in Settings > Advanced > Form Builder. The required form will be attached to the Space ( or resource or service), and will be required to be completed when the Space (or resource or service) is selected during the event creation process and on the Setup tab.
- Read this Knowledge Base article to learn about space configurations that can be added on the Setup Tab of each event: Add and Manage Configurations
Example of a form that would be added to a space
- The “Can Item be Scheduled?” and “Requires Approval” both default to being checked, adjust if desired.
- These settings are not applicable whenever an Item becomes a "Parent" because it then has children and therefore cannot be scheduled. Instead, choosing the "Parent" item on an event will automatically schedule all the "child spaces" underneath.
- Add the Maximum Space Capacity (this is optional but is a recommended field to include to assist with the Find a Space search feature and when choosing a space that will accommodate the number of people attending).
- At the SPACE level, you can set a "minimum" number of people required in order to reserve the space. You can set it by editing any desired SPACE by selecting the blue edit button, go to the following setting, enter your "Minimum # of People Required to Reserve Space" as shown below and SAVE.
- By setting this value, your users will no longer be able to reserve the SPACE unless they meet the minimum # of people that is set. This really helps you avoid having the bigger rooms booked for smaller events.
- If a SPACE is unavailable due to this restriction the user will see an unavailable notice with a # of People violation reason.
- Admins can add a description for the item; however, it can only be seen within Settings and Item.
Public Options
- If you are using an Event Request Form on your Public Calendar and want the requester to be able to select the item, you must check this box to make it available to the public.
- You can also associate an availability schedule here for the item.
Billing Options
- If you've added Billing & Invoicing to your plan, you will have the option to make your item billable.
Allowed Configuration
This is an optional feature and only necessary if you plan to offer various configuration descriptions per room.
- Click "Allowed Configurations" to expand, view and select configurations that you want to attach to an item. To delete a configuration, click on the red remove button. To set a configuration as the default, select the blue "Set default" button.
NOTE: Once this has been done, the default configuration will show for the space within the Setup tab of event creation.
Adding Documents
- This is an optional feature. Click on "Documents" to expand, view and select documents from your document library to attach to any item such as a space.
Upcoming Closures
- If there are closures that affect your space, you will be able to view the closure name, description, date and times of closure.
Combo Spaces
- If you have a large space and can subdivide it into smaller spaces with dividers, etc., you can add all of the different combinations for the space and then select the desired combinations for the space where you want to show conflicts!
- Read this Knowledge base article for more: Combo Rooms
Restricting Items within the Space
- You can restrict Resources and Services to one or more specific spaces so that they can only be reserved when the Space is selected.
- Read this Knowledge Base article for more: Space Restrictions - Restricting Resources or Services to Certain Spaces
Once you have completed adding your information, be sure to select SAVE!
Additional Settings When Adding a New Resource
Add resources (movable assets) or attributes that are used as part of an event (i.e. video projectors, sound equipment, flip charts, chairs, tables, etc.). They should be added the same way you add a Space; however, if you have multiple locations and you want your resources to be shared with all locations, do not assign the Resource to a specific location...leave blank. Resources cannot have the same names.
Tracking a Resource
- To track a resource, place a check-mark in the box under Inventoried Resource ? AND add your Quantity on Hand.
After a resource has been inventoried and a quantity has been entered, every time an event is added that requires the inventoried resource, you will be able to see how many are available and/or if there is a shortage. If there is a shortage, it will appear on your dashboard under "! Resource Shortages".
Specifics About Adding a New Service
A Service requires human interaction such as Housekeeping, Childcare, Food Service, Security, etc. To add a service, follow the same process as described in Spaces; however, if you have multiple locations and you want your services to be shared with all locations, do not assign the Service to a specific location...leave blank.
You may want to consider adding an Approval Area to match each service, so that the person(s) responsible for the service can be made a Sub-Administrator(s) and approve events requiring their service (area of responsibility) on their Dashboard.
Disabling Conflict Detection for Resource and/or Services
- You have the option to disable conflicts for resources and/or services (see below). Go to Settings > Advanced > General > Conflicts to find these options.
- You cannot select certain resources or services to disable conflict detection for, this applies to ALL or NONE. (This allows you to manage resources and/or services outside of the system without having to address conflicts for those items within eSPACE.)
Creating a Hierarchy of Spaces, Resources & Services
After your spaces, resources and services have been created, you can start a “hierarchical tree” for any item such as a space, in order to "nest" sub/child spaces underneath a "parent space". When referring to a hierarchical tree, a “parent” is considered the top node and the “child” is the item under/within the “parent”.
When creating a new spaces as a "child space" hover over the "parent" space, click the 3 dots and choose "Add Child Space".
To make existing spaces a "child" space under other spaces click the drop-down menu option and choose "Drag & Drop Spaces". Then click and hold a space to move it. Once you are hovering over the "parent" space, let go and you will see the space move to be a sub-space of that "parent" space. Your changes will automatically be saved.
- For example "Building A or Church Building" and then add “children” to the hierarchical tree, such as the floors, or rooms in that building.
- In the example below, "High School Ministry" is the "parent" and all the High School Break Out Rooms are the subspaces aka "child" spaces.