Sections in this article:
- Marking a Resource as an Inventoried Item
- Creating an Event with Inventoried Items
- Handling Shortages
- Events with Shortages on the Dashboard
Admins have the ability to "inventory" resources in eSPACE. Rather than having a user request to have chairs and tables set up for their event, admins can make it so that users choose a specific amount of tables and chairs from the total available. This creates a second layer of conflict detection and ensures that resources are not overbooked.
Marking a Resource as an Inventoried Item
- To make a resource an Inventoried Item navigate to resources by selecting Settings > Basic > Resources.
- Next, click the Add New Resource button OR choose to edit an existing resource.
- Scroll down until you see a feature called "Intevortied Resources" and "Quantity on Hand". BOTH of these are needed in order to allow users to choose a specific amount and that subtract from the total available. First, enable "Inventoried Resource", and second, enter the total that can be reserved at one time.
- If you have multiple locations and want to track your resources at each location separately, you will need to create the resource, associate it to the desired location, make it an inventoried resource and then add the quantity on hand.

Creating an Event with Inventoried Items
- Create an event as normal.
- Once you reach the Items > Resource tab, you will notice that any inventoried resources will look different in the tree views.
3. Just enter the quantity that you need for your event and click Save to save the resource and quantity.
4. If you get a green check to the right of the resource, that means your resource is good to go and there are no shortages.
5. If there is an issue, and you as the event owner request more than available, you will get the following warning (see below).
Handling Shortages
Now on the Occurrences tab within the event, you get visibility to your shortages.
1. If you click "See All Shortages" then only the occurrences with the resources that are overbooked will appear.
2. There is an option to enter a Shortage Note to explain how you will take care of the shortage.
- You can also set a NOTE at the event level and it will automatically save across all occurrences.
Events with Shortages on the Dashboard
Users will be able to see the Resource Shortages on their dashboard.
Admins should be aware that this setting under Settings > Advanced > General > Conflicts does not prevent users and sub-admins from submitting and event with overbooked resources. The user submitting the event with overbooked resources should be the one to plan to compensate for the shortage.