Sections in this article:
- Internal Calendar Views
- Menu Options on the Calendar Views
- Event Status Colors
Calendar Filtering & Saving Filters
- Saved Calendar View
- Viewing Events Based on Spaces, Resources, Services Booked
- Setting a Default Calendar View
For all user levels, there are several different calendar views where you can view all internal and public events.
Features Admins Can Customize on the Internal Calendar
- Requests, national holidays etc: Admins can choose to modify the internal calendar views for all users by either allowing or not allowing the internal calendar views to show event requests, location codes (abbreviations), national holidays and more: Display Features | Customizable Options For Internal Calendar
- Setup & Teardown Times: Each individual user can enable or disable these to show on the internal calendar by adjusting the setting under their profile icon > Profile. If enabled, these will appear on each internal calendar view except for the Agenda view.
- Internal vs Public Calendar: While all events will appear on the internal calendar views, only events marked "Public" on the Details tab will appear on the Public Calendar: Learn more: Public Calendar Feature | Embed Your eSPACE Calendar on your Website
Internal Calendar Views
Go to the left navigation bar, then click Calendar (or the plus sign to the right).
The following are the views you can choose:
- Daily - Day view of all of your events
- Weekly - This is a week's view of your events
- Two Weeks - This is a two-week view of your events
- Monthly - A view of your events for the month
- Agenda - This allows you to see one week at a time, beginning with current day
- Condensed - This is good for printing your calendar and only showing the time and event name
Menu Options on the Calendar Views
All the calendar views have the following options at the top right, however specific drop-down menu options for each may differ based on the calendar view chosen. The screenshots below are from the "Two Week" view.
1.Actions - allows you to "Add Event", "Add Calendar Label", Print (available on some calendar views), Export and Collapse Calendar.
2.Daily & Weekly Item Schedulers - Daily Spaces, Daily Resources, Daily Services, Weekly Spaces, Weekly Resources, Weekly Services views
3.Calendars - You can either choose a different calendar view in the left menu bar or from the Calendar drop-down menu at the top right of the calendar page.
4.Hide Hover Details - If you don't want the pop-up box with event information to appear when hovering over an event, then select this option to disable that.
- To reverse this setting, go back to the top right side of the internal calendar and select the following:
Event Status Colors
Yellow events are pending the regular layer of approval ("Requires Administrative Approval" and "Requires Sub-admin Approval"). These will only display for ALL users if admins have that setting enabled under Settings>Advanced>General>Event Creation.
- If your account also has pre-approval enabled, then events that have not been pre-approved yet will be yellow with a tag that says pending pre-approval.
- Green events are ones that have gone through the regular layer of approval. If your account has final approval also enabled, then they will be green with a tag that says "Pending Final Approval" until they are also final approved.
- Gray events are ones that need to be submitted for approval.
- White and crossed-out events are canceled events and will only show if admins have that setting enabled under Settings>Advanced>General>Display Features.
Calendar Filtering & Saving Filters
All users can filter events by the choices presented in the Filter Option. This is a great tool for sub-admins so they can filter the calendar by their approval area(s) in order to easily see the events that affect them. After filter choices are made, you can save that view. Read more below to learn how!
- 1. To filter simply click the blue "Filter Calendar" button and a pop-up window will appear, where you can select your filter options (see below).
- 2. In the pop-up box you can choose as many filter options as you need.
- Once you select your filter options, you can either click A. "Apply" or B. "Create View" which will save your filter selections.
- A. If you click apply, then you will see the events filtered by your selections. The filter(s) will remain active on the filter for a time but can be cleared at any point by clicking "Clear Filter".
Saved Calendar View
- B. If you select to create a saved calendar view you will then be presented with the option to name it and internally share it so other eSPACE users can see it as well in their eSPACE account.
- Once you have a saved calendar view, click "Saved Views".
- In the pop-up box, you can A. choose to "Load", "Edit", or "Delete" any saved calendar view that you have created. B. You can also choose one of the save views to be your personal default view, which once chosen, will automatically load anytime you return to the internal calendar views.
- Each user, sub-admin, admin, and Calendar View Only user in eSPACE can set their own default saved view.
In order to clear any active filter selection, whether from a saved calendar view or not, click "Clear Filter".
Viewing Events Based on Spaces, Resources, Services Booked
You can also view events based on the spaces, resources or services booked on the event with the various Item Schedulers views under Calendar on the left navigation bar.
Setting a Default Calendar View
To set your personal Default View for your eSPACE account, go to the person icon in the top right corner and then choose Profile
Once on your Profile page, scroll down to Default View and choose the one you want
Once set, then you can click on the Calendar icon in their left side menu bar to be immediately navigated to your default view.