Sections in this article:
- Creating Sub-admins
- Sub-Admins Approving Items in Their Approval Area on Events
- Reviewing Internal Forms on Items
- Sub-admin's "Upcoming Events- Next 30 Days"
- Email Notification
- Sub-Admin Declining The Items on the Event
Creating Sub-admins
If you want to assign certain spaces and/or resources and/or services to be approved by different users in eSPACE when an event request is submitted, you can create approval areas, change the needed users to be sub-admins in eSPACE and then assign the appropriate approval areas to different sub-admins.
- Though you can assign more than one sub-admin to an approval area, items on an event in an approval only need one of those sub-admins to click "Approve" on the event in order for those items to be approved.
- Read how to create Approval Areas: Approval Areas | Parsing Out Items for Sub-admin Approval
- Sub-admins can receive an email notification for events that request items in their approval area. In the email will be a link to the event so they can quickly navigate to that event in eSPACE and approve the items in their approval area on the event.
- In order for this to happen, they must enable the "Event Created" notification under their Notification Preferences.
- The sub-admins will see the questions and answers to internal forms on the Setup tab of the event, assuming admins have created forms under Settings>Advacned>Form Builder and assigned them to certain spaces/resources/services.
- Read more below in the section "Reviewing Internal Forms on Items".
Sub-Admins Approving Items in Their Approval Area on Events
When a Sub-Admin has been assigned an approval area(s) with items (spaces and/or resources and/or services) any event requesting those items will appear on their dashboard in the "Requires Sub-Admin Approval" grid (see below).
- They can also click on the "clock icon"
on the event to see what item(s) in their approval on the event are needing their approval.
- However, the event may remain in the admin's "Requires Administrative Approval" grid if there are items left on the event that are NOT under any approval area. If so, then the admin can click "Approve" on the event.
Reviewing Internal Forms on Items
Sub-admin's "Upcoming Events- Next 30 Days"
Events will appear in the sub-admins Next 30 Days grid on their dashboard once the event is fully approved (if the account requires Final Approval, then the event will appear there one it has been Final Approved).
While the sub-admin will see the event on their dashboard asking for their approval, once they approve it it won't appear in their Next 30 Days grid until the event this Final Approved assuming the next occurrence is within the next 30 days.
Email Notification
Sub-Admin Declining The Items on the Event
- Since all admins can edit events, they can also remove the declined item(s) from the event and resubmit it for approval. Sub-admins can only edit events they are the event owner or editor of.