Sections in this article:
- Definition of Work Order Statuses
- Colored Icons Explained
- Other Icons on Work Orders on the Dashboard
- Full Glossary of Work Order & Asset Management Terms
Definition of Work Order Statuses
1). Created (new submitted work order that has not yet been assigned)
2). Approved and Assigned
This means an admin or sub-admins who has been given permission to manage work orders has approved it or assigned it to a user, department, or external vendor. All assigned work orders are considered approved work orders. Work orders can only assigned to an internal user that has "Can perform work" toggled on under their user permissions. All work orders that are automatically assigned to a user, department, or external vendor by a routing rule that an admin created will automatically have the "Approved" status.
If a work order is assigned to a "Department", users that have been given permissions to the department can "Accept" the work order and it will then move to their "My Assigned Work Orders" grid.
3). Completed
- Work order marked completed by user who performed the duties of a work order so that the Admin/Sub-Admin can either "Close" which means they accept the completed work order or they choose "Not Accepted" if they unapproved how the work order was completed.
Here is a work order that was performed/completed by a user assigned to perform the duties of the work order; however, the Sub-Admin/Admin were not satisfied with the work and chose not to accept (Not Accepted). A reason can be given and the user who performed the duties of the work order is notified via email and it shows on their dashboard under their "My Work Not Accepted" grid.
4). On Hold
When a new work order is received and can not be completed until an X known date or reason or if it is in progress, an Admin or Sub-Admin (based on permissions) can place the work order "On Hold" and give a reason. The work order will then show under the "On Hold Work Orders" grid as shown below.
5). Vendor-Accepted
- This is when an external vendor accepts the work order.
6). Vendor-Rejected
- A work order that has been rejected by an external vendor.
Colored Icons Explained
Priorities of a Work Order - These can be edited, sorted and color coded by an admin to fit the needs of your organization found in Settings > Basic > Priorities. All the priorities will appear as options on the work order template for users can choose one before submitting the work order. All the priority colors will be visible on the work orders when viewing the work orders on the Dashboard.
1.) Urgent
- highest priority status of a work order that requires immediate attention
2.) High -
- 2nd highest priority status of a work order
3.) Medium
- 3rd highest priority status of a work order
4.) Low
- 4th highest priority status of a work order
Other Icons on Work Orders on the Dashboard
"Scheduled" Maintenance PM
- These are work orders that have been added as a Maintenance PM and generated as a work order on the "Next Scheduled" date.
New Comment
There is a new "Comment" that has been added to the work order that has not been read.
Public Email and Attachment icon
The following work order has been submitted via the public email (envelope icon) and also has an attachment within (paperclip icon).
Public Form and Comment icons
The following work order has been submitted via the public form request and also has a new unread comment within it.
Task icon
The following work order has tasks associated within it.
Past Due Message
This work order is past due, based on the completion date.
When a new work order has been submitted, an Admin can print, view, assign or not accept it (reject it). However, all work orders that are automatically assigned to a user, department, or external vendor via a routing rule will by assigned and in the approved status.
Full Glossary of Work Order & Asset Management Terms
- Highest level user with full permission rights, including Settings. They can edit/delete, approve/reject work orders based on their location(s) permissions given.
- Filterable calendar of all work orders that have been submitted within your org that can be viewed by users who have access to Work Order Management and based on their user permissions given. PM's (Preventive Maintenance) will be displayed on the next scheduled date.
Closed Work Order
- A work that has been marked as completed by the user/technician when Admins don't have "Default Require Approval after Completion for Work Orders" enabled under Settings/Advanced/General/Work Order Creation. When the user updates it to "Complete", it will then automatically go to a "Closed" status.
- OR a work order that has been reviewed by an admin and then is updated to a "Closed" status in order to "archive it" when "Default Require Approval after Completion for Work Orders" is enabled under Settings/Advanced/General/Work Order Creation.
- All users who have access to the dashboard can submit their ideas to eSPACE so that they and others within the system can vote on them. Our development team reviews these on a regular basis and considers them for future enhancements.
Current Inventory
- The current available quantity-on-hand for any item(s) within your organization.
- Consist of a group of individuals that can perform specific work against a number of service categories, based on their user permissions.
Document Library
- A depository for any documents (ex: service manuals, drawings/diagrams, pictures, etc.) that may be associated to a work order or piece of equipment.
- Equipment (assets) are items that an organization would like to track carefully. They are items that help an organization carry out daily tasks that maintain their facilities, as well produce income. Equipment items can consist of water heaters, air conditioning units, refrigerators, tractors, vehicles, and much more.
- Anywhere you see the
symbol, you can click it to expand to view additional information.
External Vendors
- People or organizations that are external to your organization that can perform the duties of a work order assigned, based on the service categories given to them.
Form Builder
- Admins can create and customize forms that must be completed by the work order requestor when adding a work order.
- Consumable items that are not tracked individually (ex: light bulbs, paper towels, air filters, etc.)
Inventory Item Types
- The classification of inventory groups (ex: Cleaning Supplies, Office Supplies, Lighting, HVAC Parts, etc.) that is associated to one or multiple Service Categories.
Inventory Items
- Inventory items (consumables) are used once or last only a short amount of time (ex: office supplies such as paper and pens, perishables of any kind, and items that are used only once, such as bandages, light bulbs disposable air filters, etc.) These items do not need to be tracked closely like equipment, but knowing the quantity on hand is valuable to an organization so that they can be reordered when necessary.
Knowledge Base
- A library of helpful articles and short videos that can be searched by topic.
- Defined by physical address (ex: Campus, School, Building, etc.).
Notification Preferences
- Every user who has access to the dashboard has the ability to view and subscribe to any number of system notifications that are sent out of eSPACE.
- These are system-generated notifications that are sent out of eSPACE to users, as long as those individual users have them enabled in their Notification Preferences.
Portal User(s)
- User who can create and submit work orders only, based on permissions given (ex: Security Guard, etc.) without having access to the Work Order Management dashboard. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are a bundled client, all internal users that have access to the Event Scheduler module have the ability to create a work order from their Event Scheduler dashboard. There is a "Work Order Portal" button on the top of their dashboard that they can select when they want to add a work order. There is no need to add them as portal users in the Work Order Management module!
Preventive Maintenance [PM]
- Scheduled maintenance that rolls out as a work order on the next scheduled date, based on the frequency associated.
- Default color-coded work order priorities ( Urgent, High, Medium, Low) that can be selected by the user to indicate the urgency of the work order. These can be customized and sorted by Admins.
- Where users can manage their notification preferences, modify name, email, select Work Order Details View Type and add a profile image.
Public Work Order Request
- Admins can opt to allow the public (people outside of eSPACE) to submit a work order via a public form or email.
Routing Rules
- Ability for Admins to assign work orders automatically based on customized routing rules selected within settings.
Service Categories
- Service categories differentiate your work orders based on the type of work to be accomplished, as well as, assigning the right group of users/vendors to the work order (ex: Janitorial, Electrical, Grounds-keeping, etc.).
- Room or place where work orders are to be performed (ex: Atrium, Sanctuary, Bathroom, Parking Lot).
- Mid-level user with access to the dashboard and has partial Admin rights. They can be given the ability to manage locations, users, equipment, inventory, work orders, Preventive Maintenance [PM] and/or close work orders, based on their location(s) permissions.
System Alerts
- Admins can enable multiple system alerts (ex: Outstanding Daily/Weekly Work Order Digest, Inventory Reorder, Work Orders Not Accepted, etc. ) for your Admins/Sub-Admins to subscribe to. Email notifications will then be sent out for subscribed system alerts.
- Individually assignable actions to be performed as part of a work order.
Task Groups
- A grouping of multiple tasks so that they can be quickly added to any work order or Preventive Maintenance.
Tasks Library
- Singular tasks that can added and associated to Service Categories OR Task Group so that they can easily be added to any work order or Preventive Maintenance [PM]. You can also add an estimated work time for them.
Transfer Work Orders
- Feature within eSPACE that allows Admins to transfer work orders in bulk to another desired user.
- A person that has been given access to Work Order Management that can add and/or perform the duties of a work order, based on their user permissions given.
User Defined Fields
- Customizable fields that can be added to work orders or equipment to gain more information (ex: Department Code, Square Footage, Tonnage, etc.).
- Outside contractor that is hired to perform the duties of a work order (or task).
- Work order assigned to and accepted by an external vendor to complete the work assigned.
- Work order assigned to and rejected by an external vendor with reason (optional).
Work Order Portal
- If you are a bundled client using the Event Scheduler and Work Order Management modules, users who have access to the Event Scheduler dashboard can easily request a work order by selecting this button on their dashboard.
Work Order(s)
- A job or task request that can be submitted, assigned and scheduled so that a user can perform the duties of the work order, based on their permissions.
Work Order(s) Approved
- Work order that has been submitted, approved, and assigned by an Admin or Sub-Admin, based on their permissions.
Work Order(s) Completed
- Work order marked completed by user who performed the duties of a work order so that the Admin/Sub-Admin can either "Close" or "Not Accepted"
Work Order(s) Created
- Work order that has been added and submitted for approval.
Work Order(s) Not Accepted
- Work order that was either submitted and not accepted OR the work was performed/completed by a user; however, the Sub-Admin/Admin were not satisfied with the work and chose not to accept it.
Work Order(s) on Hold
- A submitted work order placed on hold by an Admin or Sub-Admin (based on permissions) with reason given (optional).