Customers using Event Scheduler have the ability to integrate their eSPACE account with certain third-party ChMS companies such as Ministry Platform. This allows for all events to be created, edited, and deleted in eSPACE but then sync to Ministry Platform who has built an integration to pull events from your Event Scheduler account into their system. Since this is a third-party integration, please make sure to contact Ministry Platform for troubleshooting questions if events are not syncing correctly after you confirm that your Ministry Platform credentials are correct in your esPACE account.
- Different eSPACE Subscription Tiers include Different Features Including Integrations with MinistryPlatform
Viewing Your Subscription Details
- Each eSPACE admin with access to Billing can view what subscription tier your organization currently has and everything that is included in their account under Settings > Other > Billing > Manage.
Main Requirements & Limitations
- ALL spaces MUST be synced over from your MinistryPlatform account into your Event Scheduler account in order for this integration to work. This means that NO spaces can be manually added in eSPACE, edited in eSPACE, or rearranged in the hierarchy in eSPACE.
- Updating Space Names: In order to update a space name, you must manually update the name in both eSPACE and Ministry Platform.
- Resources and Services can sync from MinistryPlatform into your eSPACE account under Settings/Basic/Resources or Services, but they can not sync to MinistryPlatform on events.
Already Using MinistryPlatform and Now Adding eSPACE
- If you have already been using MinistryPlatform and are now just adding eSPACE Event Scheduler, then you will need to contact eSPACE Support and ask for them to transfer your MinistryPlatform events to eSPACE Event Scheduler. Once the events are transferred over, then you can begin creating and editing ALL events in Event Scheduler.
- In order to correctly integrade eSPACE and MinistryPlatform, ALL spaces must be synced over from MinistryPlatform to Event Scheduler, which can be done under Settings>Basic>Spaces. This means that NO spaces can be manually added in eSPACE.
- Transferring events from MinistryPlatform to eSPACE can only happen if the eSPACE account is empty to begin with. In order to re-transfer events, ALL events must first be wiped.
Already Using eSPACE and Now Integrating Ministry Platform
- If you have already been using eSPACE- Event Scheduler to add events and now want to integrade with Ministry Platform then all spaces in Event Scheduler will need to be deleted and then synced over from MinistryPlatform under Settings>Basic>Spaces. Afterwards, you can re-add your spaces to all your events in Event Scheduler.
Specific Details About This ChMS Integration
- Adding Spaces to Event Scheduler: In order to add spaces to Event Scheduler they must first be synced from your Ministry Platform account. To do so, go to Settings > Basic > Spaces and click the button at the top right-hand corner that says “Sync Rooms from MP”.
- Additional Fields: In order for events to sync from eSPACE Event Schedule to MinistryPlatform, MinistryPlatform requires that the events in eSPACE have additional fields filled out. Once you set up the integration with the steps below, then these additional fields will appear on the events in eSPACE for you to fill out.
- Contacts: This is required for all events in eSPACE before they can sync over to MP.
- Manually Sync Occurrences: After you fill out the info for these additional fields, and the events is approved, then you will be able to go to the Occurrence tab on the event and click the button to sync all occurrences to MinistryPlatform.
- This should be added as part of the duties of an admin. After they approve the event, they are the ones that then sync all occurrences to MP.
- Editing Occurrences: If you edit an occurrence or multiple occurrences, then those will each have to be resynced to MP individually on the Occurrence tab. To do so, a. expand the occurrence and b. click “Edit Date & Time”. Then c. click the “Save and Resync to MP” button. Afterwards d. click “Back to All Occurrences” and e. repeat for each individually edited occurrence.
- Timing: When you sync the event occurrences, they sync in real-time!
- What Info syncs: Below is what details will sync to MinistryPlatform from eSPACE:
- Event Name
- Event Start/End Dates & Times
- Minutes for Setup
- Minutes for Tear-down (Cleanup)
- Event Type
- Congregation
- Program
- If the event is marked public, it will be public in MinistryPlatform
- The first Contact of the event is added as the Primary Contact in the MinistryPlatform event
- Event Spaces (Only Spaces/Rooms are able to sync to MinistryPlatform, not Services or Resources)
- Adding Additional Spaces: In MinistryPlatform if you add a Space/Room, Resource or Service, then in eSPACE you will need to go to Settings > Basic > Spaces and click the “Sync Rooms From MP” again.
- Space Hierarchy: If you have a hierarchy in MinistryPlatform they will both sync to the Event Scheduler. You can only have 1 Parent Building and 1 Child Room only within MinistryPlatform!
- Resources and Services: When you sync an event occurrence from eSPACE to MinistryPlatform, Resources and Services will not sync. Based on the integration requirements between the two companies this can not be changed.
1. Setting up the Integration from eSPACE to MinistryPlatform
- For any and all assistance with setting up this integration in your MinistryPlatform account, please contact MinistryPlatform's support team.
- For any and all questions as to how this integration works, issues with events not syncing over, what type of event data syncs, and for any feedback, please reach out to support at MinistryPlatform's support team.
2. Setting Up the Integration in eSPACE
- Login to your eSPACE account
- From the left side menu click on Integrations
- From available providers, choose MinistryPlatform and click on “Integrate Now”.
Enter all your information below
- A. Base URL,
- B. Client ID,
C. Client Secret,
5. Save.
6. Once saved, click the "Edit" button to specify which direction you want the events to sync.
7. Choose "Manually push events from eSPACE to MinistryPlatform".
- When you are creating all events in eSPACE Event Scheduler so that they can all be synced to your MinistryPlatform account, "Manually push events from eSPACE to MinistryPlatform" is the correct choice.
- Learn more about our other integration with MinistryPlatform here, but keep in mind that these two integrations can NOT be combined: Ministry Platform to eSPACE for FACILITeSPACE Integration
- About 15 min after support does their part eSPACE will start to push events to Ministry Platform every 15 minutes.
Different eSPACE Subscription Tiers include Different Features Including Integrations with MinistryPlatform
Viewing Your Subscription Details
- Each eSPACE admin with access to Billing can view what subscription tier your organization currently has and everything that is included in their account under Settings > Other > Billing > Manage.