Billing & Invoicing is a great feature available on certain subscription tiers of Event Scheduler!
For those that are on an eSPACE subscription tier which includes Billing & Invoicing AND are also using Shelby Financials, you can easily export all of your Billing & Invoicing transactions to Excel and then import to Shelby Financials by taking the following steps!
- First, within the Event Scheduler dashboard, go to the left sidebar and select Billing & Invoicing All Transactions
- Next, select the Export to Excel button
- Now follow the steps below!
Import from Excel File
Save the entries into an Excel file (.xls or .xlsx) in the format below. Click the Choose File button and select the file. Click the Import button to begin the import process or click the Cancel link to return to the Unposted Journals page.
You can only import journals into the currently selected company. Change the Current Financial Settings (More Information) if you want to import journals into a different company.
If you are using the CompanyNumber field and itsvalue does not match the currently selected company, nothing is imported.
The following fields are available for importing into General Ledger:
- CompanyNumber
- Period: You must use the number of the period, not the period name (e.g., 1 instead of January).
- Date
- JournalCode
- JournalNumber: The journal number should be unique for each group of detail lines that you would like to import. For example, if rows 1-10 are for one journal entry and rows 11-20 are for a second journal entry, you can specify journal number 1 for rows 1-10 and journal number 2 for rows 11-20. When the journal is imported, each group of detail rows will be grouped together and assigned the next available journal number. This eliminates the possibility of importing duplicate journal numbers that have already been assigned in the General Ledger.
- JournalDescription
- Note
- RegionNumber
- SuperFundNumber
- FundNumber
- LocationNumber
- CostCenterNumber
- DepartmentNumber
- AccountNumber
- AccountSub
- DetailDate
- DetailDescription
- Amount
- Project
Each field you decide to use must be its own column as in the screen shot below:
The only Required Fields are AccountNumber and Amount along with all of the fields you are using as a part of your account structure (e.g., FundNumber, DepartmentNumber). In the Amount field enter all numbers as positive for debit and negative (-) for credit regardless of account type.
If you do not want to use an optional field do not create a column for it within your Excel file.
Different eSPACE Subscription Tiers include Different Features
Viewing Your Subscription Details
- Each eSPACE admin with access to Billing can view what subscription tier your organization currently has and everything that is included in their account under Settings > Other > Billing > Manage.