- The Basics of How Conflict Detection Work
- Prevent ALL USERS (Including Admins) from Submitting a Conflicting Event
- Prevent Users & Sub-Admins from Submitting a Conflicting Event
- Check Conflicts at the Location Level
- Conflict Detection for Locations on Event Request Forms
- Disable Conflict Checking for All Resources
- Disable Conflict Checking for Services
The Basics of How Conflict Detection Works
Understand and select your desired settings for handling event conflicts, based on your organizational needs.
- Conflicts for spaces, resources and services that are already booked for another event for the same time and day as yours will always show next to the spaces, resources and services as you are selecting them. When you see a message that says "See Conflicts" always click on it in order to view the one or many occurrences of your events that conflict with occurrences or other events.
- Next to each space, resource and service on the Items tab is also where all users will see if one or more of the occurrences on their event conflicts with a "Closure", "Number of People Violation", "Space Restriction", or "Space restriction", which are all set up by an admin in eSPACE.
- Conflicts for items with other events can also be seen per occurrence on the Occurrence tab of the event. Expand the occurrences to see which spaces, resources, and services conflict with other events.
Prevent ALL USERS (Including Admins) from Submitting a Conflicting Event
- When you have this setting enabled, ALL users (including admins) will not be able to select the blue "Submit Event" button for any events with conflicts. The event will remain in "draft status" until all conflicts are resolved.
- If this setting is NOT enabled, then admins will be able to override conflicts for double bookings, "Availability Schedules", "Closures", and "Space Restrictions", however once approved, the event will have a status of "Approved with Conflicts".
- Also, if this setting is NOT enabled, then all conflicts for all users' events (users, sub-admins, admins) will be displayed within the "Conflicts" grid on the Admin's dashboard.
Either way, within the Items tab on the event, there will be a "See Conflicts" next to the conflicted items, with a hyperlink to the other events that have already reserved those items during that same date and time period for all occurrences. This way all users can see if a space, resource, or service is available before they submit the event for approval.
Conflicts will also be displayed within the Occurrences tab on events. They can then click "See All Conflicts" to see which items are conflicted within occurrences.
- If this setting IS enabled, then no admin will be able to submit an event with occurrences that conflict with any other event.
Prevent Users & Sub-Admins from Submitting a Conflicting Event
- When this setting IS enabled, users and sub-admins will not be able to select the blue "Submit Event" button for any events that have occurrences that conflict with any other event. The event will remain in "draft status" until all conflicts are resolved (conflicting occurrences are deleted or canceled or items on those occurrences are switched out for items that are not already booked).
- If this setting is NOT enabled, then all regular users and sub-admins will be able to submit events when they conflict with other events.
- If not enabled, then it also becomes very important for the admin(s) and Sub-admins on the account to watch to see if any events appear in their "Conflicts" grid on their Dashboard before approving events in order to see if there is a true double booking of spaces (and resources if conflict detection for resources is also disabled).
Either way, within the Items tab on the event, there will be a "See Conflicts" next to the conflicted items on the event, with a hyperlink to the other events that have already reserved those items during that same date and time period for all occurrences. This way all users can see if a space, resource, or service is available before they submit the event for approval.
Conflicts will also be displayed within the Occurrences tab on events. They can then click "See All Conflicts" to see which items on which occurrences are conflicted within occurrences of other events.
Check Conflicts at the Location Level
- If you have more than one location for your organization and would like to show event conflicts across locations.
- For example, let's say you have a women's event on a Saturday morning at the main campus; however, you have another women's event at the east campus during the same date and time. You may want to show location conflicts here so that an attendee doesn't have to choose between the two events that are scheduled.
- Once enabled, within the details tab, you will now see location conflicts when adding an event! When you select a location that conflicts with another location, you will see the following warning.
- When you click on the warning, a new window will open that shows the location conflicts and event occurrences (see attached below).
- The location conflict also shows on the Occurrences tab, as shown below. This also is displayed on the Summary tab.
- To see the conflicts, select "View Conflicts"
- Admins can override all location conflicts.
Conflict Detection for Locations on Event Request Forms
If you are using external event request forms (Settings>Advanced>Event Request Forms), you can elect to check location conflicts by selecting the following toggle switch optional setting within the event request form settings and SAVE.
Disable Conflict Checking for All Resources
- When enabled, resources will not show conflicts when added during the event creation process. This means that multiple events happening at the same time and day will be able to request the same resource, which could result in resources being doubled or overbooked.
- This setting applies to ALL resources.
Disable Conflict Checking for Services
- When enabled, resources will not show conflicts when added during the event creation process. This is good to do when you have multiple people who can provide the same service for different events at the same time and day, like multiple IT people or childcare workers.
- Example: If you have child care as a service, and you have a sub-admin that oversees this Area of Approval, then you may want to disable conflict checking, so there are no conflicts when child care is needed for multiple events during the same time. Otherwise, if this setting is NOT enabled, then only one event at a time will be able to request a service.
- This setting applies to ALL services.