In Event Scheduler, there are additional email notifications that an admin can enable under Settings > Advanced > General > Email Notifications. These are in addition to the notifications that each user can enable or disable in their own eSPACE account under their profile icon > My Notifications > Notification Preferences.
- Related article: How to Find and Restore Canceled Events and Deleted Events
Modifying Events: All event edits are recorded on the History tab of an event so users can easily who made what change and when.
- Related Event Notification Knowledge Base articles:
Send Delete Notifications to Sub-Admins
- When checked, automated email notifications will be sent to all sub-administrators when an event that affects their area of approval is deleted.
Send All Modifications Emails to Sub-Admins
- Select this box if you want an email to go to the sub-admins with any modifications to an event that they are tied to, even if their items are already approved.
- In each user's Notification Settings is also where they can enable "Event Modified" alerts as well as "Event Setup Notes Modified" and much more for any event they are the owner or editor of. - See related article above.
List of Emails (separated by commas) to be notified upon an Event Cancellation
- Within the text area, you can add email addresses for anyone that you want to be notified when an event is canceled. See the example below. These people can be non-eSPACE users who still need to be notified whenever an event is canceled.
- Deleted events are considered canceled events, as the event is no longer happening, so contacts on events as well as the contacts added above will also receive an email about an event being canceled if an eSPACE user deletes it.
Send Event Approved Emails to Contact(s)
- This box must be checked if you want an email to be sent to the associated contact for the event when the event has been approved.
Send Event Approved Emails to All Admins
- This will override admins' personal preferences in their account so even if they decide to toggle off "Event Approved" email notifications in their personal eSPACE account, this setting will override that and make sure that eSPACE sends an email notification to all admins any way.
Don't send Conversation Emails to Comments
- Check this box if you do not want emailed conversations to be included in conversation comments.
Reduced SPAM Protection for Event Conversations Replies
- This setting allows users to respond to Conversations when they have multiple alias email addresses.