Barcodes for equipment are included with Asset Pro is a great feature available on certain subscription tiers of Work Order & Asset Management!
For those that are on an eSPACE subscription tier which includes Asset Pro, you will be able to generate bar codes for each equipment piece, print them, and place them on equipment & inventory. Then users will be able to scan the bar codes to quickly add a work order or adjust inventory for that item.
- Related Article: Asset Pro Feature Overview
Filtering & Printing Equipment Barcodes
- Keep in mind that once the information is exported into an Excel document you will need to make any and all necessary adjustments to the columns and rows (including resizing) before printing and your print options will depend on the print options available on your computer and/or printer.
Printing Bar Codes Options 1
Admins and sub-admins who have been given permission to manage equipment can go to Settings > Basic > Equipment and choose "Export Equipment", choose to include "Equipment Identifier Image", and then export. This will export all the barcodes for all equipment based on your search criteria into an Excel Spreadsheet where you can then sort by any column and print.
- While you can sort by equipment within eSPACE before clicking "Export Equipment" that sorting only applies when viewing the equipment in eSPACE. However, once you export the equipment to Excel, then you can sort by any column.
1. Go to Settings > Basic > Equipment
2 . If you want to filter or narrow down which equipment bar codes export, then fill in the appropriate filters before exporting.
- You can also filter after exporting to Excel. While you can sort the equipment within eSPACE, that sorting only applies when viewing the equipment in eSPACE. However, you can sort the equipment after the equipment is exported to Excel.
3. Click "Export Equipment".
4. In the pop up choose "Equipment Identifier Image".
5. Click "Export".
6. The export will download to your computer and should be located in your Downloads folder unless you directed it to download elsewhere on your computer. Keep in mind that at this point the information it outside of eSPACE and consequently outside of help from Support.
7. Open the downloaded spreadsheet and then sort the information based on the space column.
8. Print the Excel document so you can then cut out the bar codes and place them on the appropriate equipment pieces.
- Just keep in mind that once the information is exported into an Excel document you will need to make any and all necessary adjustments to the columns and rows (including resizing) before printing and your print options will depend on the print options available on your computer and/or printer.
Printing Bar Codes Option 2
1. For admins and sub-admins who have been given permission to manage equipment go to Settings > Basic > Equipment and choose the "Print Barcodes" option which will generate a PDF that includes all the bar codes based on your search criteria.
On the Equipment pages, there is the option to “Print Barcodes”.
2. When the "Print Barcodes" button is selected you will see a pop-up box appear with any equipment that has bar codes based on the filters you chose. You will also have the following options:
- A. You can edit the "Position Start". The default position is Position 1 (upper left corner) as this is where your first label will print on your label sheet. You can choose 1 - 30.
- B. You can sort the equipment bar codes so that when you click "Create PDF of Labels" the bar codes will be in the order that you choose to sort by.
C. You can choose to check (include) or not include (uncheck) any equipment before exporting.
- You can then choose the button "Download PDF of Labels" to download your labels.
Clicking the "Download PDF of Labels" button will generate a PDF with your barcodes that will automatically fit the label sheet.
- If you chose to sort them, back in step 2, then the bar codes will appear sorted.
- You will have the option to save it to a file on your computer or print the labels. When you print the labels you can stick the barcode label to the appropriate asset.