Once spaces have been linked to their proper location on your floor plan, all users can view the event information for them as well as create event requests.
Floor Plan Access
- All admins have access to Floor Plan automatically.
- All sub-admins and regular users have automatic viewing access to Floor Plan. Admins can edit sub-admin and user permissions so they can also edit Floor Plans.
- Calendar View Only users and portal users in Work Order & Asset Management are designed to have very limited access and thus will not have access to Floor Plan.
Zooming & Navigating Across Your Floor Plan
- Users can see more of the Floor Plan by clicking the "plus" and "minus" icons to zoom in and out OR wheel on their mouse.
- Users can move the Floor Plan around by using the vertical and horizontal navigation bars.
- Users can click and drag the Key to any spot on the Floor Plan or toggle "Hide Key".
Viewing Space Information and Event Details on the Floor Plan
In order to enable or disable space names and/or event details from showing on the floor plan you can either check or uncheck them to display. Click the menu option at the top right, choose the Spaces tab, and then either check or uncheck "Show Spaces" and/or "Show Occupancy Status".
The same can be done for equipment (if you also have the Work Order & Asset Management module) as well as any customer layers you designed. While each subscription tier offers a different amount of custom layers, end users can choose to show as many or as few layers on a floor plan at a time.
Viewing Events in Spaces on your Floor Plan
Once spaces are linked to their spot on the floor plan (performed by an admin) and you have enabled "Show Spaces" and "Show Occupancy Status" under the menu option , you can adjust the date and time at top left to see events for a specific date and time. This allows you to visually see what spaces are booked for events as well as when spaces are available for additional events.
Color Coding on Events
- The "Key" will be your guide to tell you what state a space is currently in. As you change the time and date, you will see the colors in the space change based on various event statuses. Any user with editable access to Floor Plan can adjust the colors for the whole organization under Floor Plan > Settings. Learn more: Floor Plan | Settings - Customizing Colors
- All users can choose to either hide or unhide the Key. All users can also "click & hold" to relocate the key on the floor plan.
Changing the Time and Date to See Events
- To change the date and time, click the calendar icon, select a date, and then click "Set".
- Click "Time" and either hover over the Hour/Minute/AM/PM and use your mouse wheel to scroll up or down to select a time OR click on the Hour, Minute, and AM/PM opinion that you want. Once you have made your selection, click "Set".
- Once you have chosen a date and time, compare the colors in the Key to see the status of the room.
- In the example below, the three green spaces are reserved for an event on March 22, 2024 at 8:25pm.
- For any space that is showing in color for a Setup time, Event time, or Teardown time you can click on the space to see the event information.
To start reserving a space for a new event from the floor plan, read more below (same for submitting a work order)
View Linked Space Information
For any spaces that are linked to your floor plan, once you click on the space a side menu will appear to the right of the page. This side menu will include an Event Tab, which will show event information (from Event Scheduler) and a Work Order tab which will show work orders (from Work Order & Asset Management).
Event Tab
- The Event Tab will show all upcoming fully approved events.
- At the bottom of the Event Tab tab will be an option to create an event for that space (and "Create Work Order" if you have Work Order & Asset Management).
Creating an Event Request From Floor Plan
- If you choose "Create Event" at the bottom of that tab you will be navigated to the "Add Event" page where you can enter all the event details. After the Details and Contacts tab, if you look at the Items > Setup tab you will see one space already toggled on based on which space you clicked while on the floor plan. You can either toggle on additional spaces or even toggle off the space that was auto-toggled and choose to have the event in a completely different space.
- Once you submit the event for approval, it will still go through the same approval process as all other created events.
Work Order Tab
- On the Work Order Tab of a linked space, you will see all upcoming approved (aka assigned to a user, department, or external vendor) work orders.
- You will also see the Space Properties for that space. You can even edit the space properties on this tab if you have admin privileges. Once edited, you will those edits reflected on the spaces in Wokr Order & Asset Management under Settings > Basic > Spaces.
- At the bottom of the Work Order tab, you will be able to submit a new Work Order (and create an event request if you also have Event Scheduler).
Creating Work Orders from Floor Plan
- If you choose "Create Work Order" at the bottom of that tab you will be navigated to the "Add Work Order" page where you can enter all the work order details. While filling in additional fields, you will see the one space already toggled on based on which space you clicked on Floor Plan. If needed, you can change what space you are creating the work order for before submitting it.
- Once you submit the work order for approval, it will still go through the same approval process or routing rule as all other created work orders.
Configurations Tab
- On the Configurations tab of a linked space, you will see any and all space configurations that have been assigned to that space.
1. All eSPACE subscription tiers will have access to the Configurations feature which admins can access under Settings > Advanced > Configurations, where they can describe and upload images of preset configurations.
- Any configurations added here and assigned to spaces will be viewable on Floor Plan when you click on that space and switch to the Configurations tab. These configurations will not be editable on Floor Plan, but can be edited under Settings > Advanced > Configurations by an admin.
- 2. Customers on the Ulitmate and Enterprise Tier will also have the ability to create custom configurations directly on Floor Plan within spaces by choosing tables and chairs ect. and rearranging them in the correct configuration. When doing so, the chairs and tables ect. will automatically resize to the correct scale, based on the scale that you set when you first uploaded the Floor Plan. They can also add generic shapes and resize them to account for any unique setups as well. However, only users who have been given permission to edit Floor Plan under their user permissions will be able to create or edit Space Configurations.
- Read to learn more about Space Configurations: Floor Plan | Space Configurations
Exporting Floor Plan Views
Users can also download their floor plan with the layers they have enabled and for the date and time they have chosen in order to be able to print the floor plan view.
Viewing Scaling on Floor Plan
In order to check the scale of any space or section on Floor Plan, a. select the arrow icon at the top right side.
b. Next, click once on the corner or part of a wall where you want to measure from and move your cursor around to any endpoint in order to see the distance in the "Current Distance" box. The distance will automatically update as you move your cursor around.
c. Once you click your curser a second time, the measuring line will disappear so you can select another spot to begin measuring.
d. Click "Close Measure Tool" once you are finished.
Different eSPACE Subscription Tiers include Different Features
Viewing Your Subscription Details
- Each eSPACE admin with access to Billing can view what subscription tier your organization currently has and everything that is included in their account under Settings > Other > Billing > Manage.