Now that you've successfully uploaded your Floor Plan to your eSPACE account (and perhaps linked spaces), the next essential step is to bring your Floor Plan to life by linking equipment. This article will guide you through the process of choosing icons for each equipment piece that you have in your Work Order & Asset Management account and placing them in their correct position on the different layers of your floor plan. Whether you aim to create an optimized floor plan of where all your important pieces of equipment are located for contractors, view approved work orders for each piece of equipment, or even submit new work orders for equipment from your floor plan, linking your equipment is a pivotal move towards achieving a fully coordinated and functional setup.
User Editing Access
- All admins can add and edit floor plans.
- Admins can edit sub-admin and user permissions so they can also add and edit Floor Plans. As a default, all new sub-admins and users will not be granted automatic editing access to Floor Plan.
- Calendar View Only users and portal users in Work Order & Asset Management are designed to have very limited access and thus will not have access to Floor Plan.
Floor Plan File Type & Quality
- Remember, whether you create a simple Floor Plan of your building, use your fire escape map, or a professional CAD drawing, as long as your Floor Plan is a PDF file you will be able to upload it to your eSPACE account. The quality of your Floor Plan will largely be determined by the quality of the Floor Plan that you upload.
- Keep in mind that only admins can add and edit Floor Plans.
Zooming & Navigating Across Your Floor Plan
- User can see more of the Floor Plan by clicking the "plus" and "minus" icons to zoom in and out OR wheel on their mouse.
- Users can move the Floor Plan around by using the vertical and horizontal navigation bars.
- Users can click and drag the Key to any spot on the Floor Plan or toggle "Hide Key".
Linking Equipment to Floor Plan
1. To begin selecting equipment icons and placing them on your floor plan click the gear icon at the top right side.
2. Next, click "Edit Equipment".
3. Then you will be presented the list of equipment that is assigned to the location you have chosen for the Floor Plan you are editing.
- If you don't see a piece of equipment, then go to Settings > Basic > Equipment and make sure it's assigned to the proper location.
- Scroll until you find the equipment that you want to link to the floor plan and then click on it.
4. Once the whole list of "stock" equipment icons loads, use the second scroll bar to find the icon that best fits the equipment you want to link to the floor plan. Click the plus symbol next to the equipment icon you want.
5. The icon will then appear on the Floor Plan.
6. Once you choose to add one of the default equipment icons to the floor plan you will have the following options:
- A. Clicking & dragging the text, shape or icon to its proper location
- B. Resizing
- C. Rotating
- D. Unlinking
Once you have it in the proper spot, choose a color, and rotate it... click "Save Shape".
7. Then you can continue to select the same or different icon for that layer and repeat this process until you have added all the custom text, generic shapes, and default equipment icons for that layer that you need.
Once you are finished adding items for that layer click "Save".
Different eSPACE Subscription Tiers include Different Features
Viewing Your Subscription Details
- Each eSPACE admin with access to Billing can view what subscription tier your organization currently has and everything that is included in their account under Settings > Other > Billing > Manage.