Now that you've successfully uploaded your Floor Plan to your eSPACE account, the next essential step is to bring your Floor Plan to life by linking spaces within your eSPACE account to the corresponding areas on your Floor Plan. This article will guide you through the process of connecting your virtual environment with physical spaces. Whether you aim to optimize room assignments, see the overall occupancy of your building in a glance, or even book available spaces for new events from your Floor Plan, linking your spaces is a pivotal move towards achieving a fully coordinated and functional setup.
User Editing Access
- All admins can add and edit floor plans.
- Admins can edit sub-admin and user permissions so they can also add and edit Floor Plans. As a default, all new sub-admins and users will not be granted automatic editing access to Floor Plan.
- Calendar View Only users and portal users in Work Order & Asset Management are designed to have very limited access and thus will not have access to Floor Plan.
Floor Plan File Type & Quality
- Remember, whether you create a simple Floor Plan of your building, use your fire escape map, or a professional CAD drawing, as long as your Floor Plan is a PDF file you will be able to upload it to your eSPACE account. The quality of your Floor Plan will largely be determined by the quality of the Floor Plan that you upload.
- Keep in mind that only admins can add and edit Floor Plans.
Zooming & Navigating Across Your Floor Plan
- Users can see more of the Floor Plan by clicking the "plus" and "minus" icons to zoom in and out OR wheel on their mouse.
- Users can move the Floor Plan around by using the vertical and horizontal navigation bars.
- Users can click and drag the Key to any spot on the Floor Plan or toggle "Hide Key".
Linking Spaces to Floor Plan
1. To begin linking spaces in your eSPACE account to spaces on your Floor Plan click the gear icon at the top right side. When you link spaces and your spaces are organized in a hierarchy, make sure you link the lowest "child" space and not any of the "parent" spaces used to group or categorize spaces. Since only "child" spaces are what actually get reserved on events, you will only see events for "child" spaces that are linked on Floor Plan.
- (Learn more: Adding & Modifying Spaces/Resources/Services in eSPACE, specifically the "Creating a Hierarchy of Spaces, Resources & Services" section.)
2. Next, select "Edit Spaces".
3. You will be presented with a pop-up window with all existing spaces. Only spaces that are assigned to the same location as the Floor Plan you are editing will appear as options. Make sure to only link the lowest "child" space if you have a hierarchy of spaces.
- Location & Spaces: If you need to check to make sure the right spaces are assigned to the right location, go to Settings > Basic > Spaces and check each space. Hover to the left of the space name, click the 3 dots and choose "Edit Space" if you need to assign it to its correct location.
- Inside and Outside Spaces: If your playground, east parking lot, west parking lot... exists as spaces that people can reserve on events, then you can link those to the area next to your Floor Plan where they are located in real life.
Click "Link" next to any existing space to link it to where it is located on the Floor Plan or you can click "Add New Space" which will add a new space to your eSPACE account as well as allow you to link it to the floor plan.
Linking Combo Rooms
When linking combo spaces to Floor Plan, make sure that the linked spaces do not overlap in any way. Below is an example of how to link a combo space that includes the main space and the two halves. The main/big space is linked by creating a small square in the middle which overlaps the side side spaces. "Side A" and "Side B" are linked by creating a square that only covers half of the side spaces. This way the "Gathering Room A & B" space does NOT overlap "Side A" or "Side B".
- Below is also an example of how it will look when the main space, "Gathering A & B", is booked. If a user clicks on either "Side A" or "Side B", goes through the "Create Event" process, and selects the time and date to be the same as when the "Gathering Room A & B" is booked, then the conflict detection will warn them. If admins do not allow users and sub-admins and/or admins to submit a conflicting event, then they will also not be able to submit the event for approval.
Adding a New Space From Floor Plan
- If you choose "Add New Space" then a pop-up window will appear where you can enter the new space name as well as customize that space with all the same options as when you add a new space under Settings > Basic > Spaces.
- Use the scroll bar to the right of the pop-up box in order to see all the options.
- At the bottom of the pop-up window will be the "Save and Link" option (see in screenshot above). This will automatically add the new space to your eSPACE account where you will see it under Settings > Basic > Spaces and will also immediately link to its location on your floor plan.
4. Once you choose to link a space,
draw lines for each wall or section of a wall by clicking on one end of the wall and then clicking a second time further down the wall.
Start with one wall and then move to the next one in either a clock-wise or counter-clock-wise order until you have drawn every line needed for that space. Once all the lines fully connect, then the "Save" button will be highlighted and you can save that linked space.
Finding the Space to Link on the Floor Plan
- When you are linking a space, you can zoom in on the floor plan and then use the vertical and horizontal scroll bars to navigate to the space you need. You can draw as many lines as needed to properly outline any uniquely shaped spaces.
Redrawing Lines
If you need to redraw a line in order to make a correction, you can click the "Retry" button at the top right of the floor plan page.
5. Once all lines fully connect, you will be able to click "Save" at the top right side. Once you see the space name in the middle of the lines that you drew, your space is now connected to your floor plan.
Editing the Text of a Space Name on Floor Plan
Once a space is linked to your Floor Plan, if you need to wrap the text, adjust the size of the text, or adjust it up or down, select the space and a side menu will appear. Then click on the gear icon, located to the left of the space name.
- You will also see the options to create an event request (if you have Event Scheduler) and a work order request (if you have Work Order & Asset Management).
- Space Configurations on Floor Plan are designed to be an extension of the Configurations feature found under Settings > Advanced > Configurations. While ALL subscription tiers can enjoy the benefit of the Configurations feature under Settings, those on our higher subscription tiers will also be able to build and edit custom Space Configurations on Floor Plan!
Click here to see if your tier includes the space configuration builder
- Read to learn more about Space Configurations: Floor Plan | Space Configurations
On the settings page of a space, you will be able to text wrap, adjust the font size, and adjust the space name vertically and/or horizontally.
After making any changes, make sure you click the “Save” button. After A. you click the “Save” button you can B. click the back arrow to return to the previous.
Helpful Tips About Space Names
- A. All space names will automatically adjust based on the size of the space on the floor plan, but you can choose to "Text Wrap" any of them.
- B. Even though the name of the space will automatically be smaller for smaller space, you can adjust the size of the text even to make it big enough that it expands over the edges of the box that you drew to make the space.
- C. & D. Smaller spaces with longer names may need you to "Text Wrap" them and adjust them vertically or horizontally so they only appear in their proper space on the floor plan.
Unlinking Spaces
Unlinking a space does NOT delete it from your eSPACE account.
1. If you need to unlink a space click the gear icon
2. Choose to "Edit Spaces".
3. Then select "Unlink" next to the appropriate space.
Different eSPACE Subscription Tiers include Different Features
Viewing Your Subscription Details
- Each eSPACE admin with access to Billing can view what subscription tier your organization currently has and everything that is included in their account under Settings > Other > Billing > Manage.