This article provides step-by-step instructions on uploading, cropping, and scaling your floor plan within our software. This will set the stage for you to efficiently link new or existing spaces, add icons for existing equipment, and add custom layers of your choice. Whether you're looking to optimize space management, enhance facility planning, or streamline equipment allocation, our easy-to-follow guide will help you get started.
User Editing Access
- All admins can add and edit floor plans.
- Admins can edit sub-admin and user permissions so they can also add and edit Floor Plans. As a default, all new sub-admins and users will not be granted automatic editing access to Floor Plan.
- Calendar View Only users and portal users in Work Order & Asset Management are designed to have very limited access and thus will NOT have access to Floor Plan.
Floor Plan File Type
Currently, all floorplans need to be in a PDF format in order for an admin to upload them to Event Scheduler and Work Order & Asset Management's Floor Plan feature.
- Whether you manually create a simplistic floor plan of your own, want to use your fire escape map, upload a CAD drawing, or blueprint of your floor plan, as long as it's converted into a PDF admins will be able to upload it.
While we strive to not decrease any quality in the floor plan PDF that you upload, the sharpness of your floor plan will mainly be determined by the quality of the image in the PDF that you upload.
Number of Floor Plans
Each subscription tier will include a different number of available floor plans.
Cropping & Floor Plan Zooming
Regardless of how big or small the Floor Plan PDF file is, any user that has editable access to Floor Plan will be able to crop once the Floor Plan PDF file is uploaded. However, Floor Plan PDF maps can not be re-cropped.
After cropping, all users can see more or less of the Floor Plan by clicking the "minus" and "plus" icons to zoom in and out OR wheel on their mouse. Users can move the Floor Plan around by using the vertical and horizontal navigation bars.
How to Upload a New Floor Plan
- Only admins can add and edit Floor Plans
1. To get started, click on Floor Plan in your left-side menu bar and then choose "Create New Floor Plan".
2. Add a name and select one of the existing locations in your account.
3. After you select a location, you will be able to upload a PDF version of your floor plan by using the select files button. You can also click and drag your file from your computer into the "+Add PDF" area.
- Keep in mind that only spaces and equipment that are assigned to that same location will be able to be linked to the Floor Plan for that location.
4. Once your floor plan uploads, click "Next" to see the option to crop your Floor Plan.
5. Once in the crop menu, click the crop option to convert into cropping mode. Keep in mind that Floor Plan PFD file can not be re-cropped later.
6. You can crop by either dragging in the corners or setting a width and height. When you are happy with the selection, click "Confirm"
7. After you crop the floor plan, click "Save & Next".
8. Next, you will be able to a scale your floor plan. Keep in mind that you can only set the scale once, right after you upload the PDF and crop it so make sure to know the actual scale of at least one wall before entering in a value.
- Users can see more of the Floor Plan by clicking the "plus" and "minus" icons to zoom in and out OR wheel on their mouse.
- Users can move the Floor Plan around by using the vertical and horizontal navigation bars.
9. In order to set the scale of your floor plan (which is a one-time thing), choose a space on your Floor Plan and click on one end of that wall and then hold and drag to the other end and release. Once you do, a pop up box will appear where you can enter in the scale of that wall in feet. You can then either retry or click "Next".
10. After you set the scale, the standard screen with all the available options to begin building custom layers, linking spaces, and adding icons to different equipment in Work Order & Asset Management will now be displayed.
- For all users:
- Users can see more of the Floor Plan by using the "plus" and "minus" icons to zoom in and out. wheel on their mouse to zoom out.
Users can move the Floor Plan around by using the vertical and horizontal navigation bars.
- Users can see more of the Floor Plan by using the "plus" and "minus" icons to zoom in and out. wheel on their mouse to zoom out.
Viewing All Floor Plans
If you want to see all the floor plans for all the locations in your account, click "Floor Plans" in your left side menu bar. Expand a location to see all assigned floor plans, including custom ones.
From there you can either click on the name of a floor plan to navigate back to it OR click "Edit" to edit the name, upload a different PDF for that floor plan, or delete that existing floor plan.
- Single Location customers will not be able to delete their one location: Change Your Organization's Name in Your Account
Viewing Scaling on Floor Plan
In order to check the scale of any space or section on Floor Plan, a. select the arrow icon at the top right side.
b. Next, click once on the corner or part of a wall where you want to measure from and move your cursor around to any endpoint in order to see the distance in the "Current Distance" box. The distance will automatically update as you move your cursor around.
c. Once you click your curser a second time, the measuring line will disappear so you can select another spot to begin measuring.
d. Click "Close Measure Tool" once you are finished.
Resetting the Scale
If you need to reset the scale for your Floor Plan, then A. click the edit icon to the far right of the Floor Plan name and then choose "Reset Scale".
Different eSPACE Subscription Tiers include Different Features
Viewing Your Subscription Details
- Each eSPACE Billing admin can view your organization subscription tier by navigating within their account to Settings > Other > Billing > Manage.