Each user can enabled or disable email notifications in their eSPACE account.
To do so, go to your profile icon > My Notifications > Notification Preferences.
From here, you can view the notification preferences and select which email (or Mobile App) notifications you want to receive. Simply toggle each item (Email or Mobile Push) for the desired notification. The following is on this page:
- Name of Notification with explanation under
- Toggle On/Off for Emails as well as Toggle All On/Off at the top
- Toggle On/Off for Mobile Push as well as Toggle All On/Off at the top
- Save for saving your selections
- Admins will have more options than regular users.
Viewing Your Notifications in Your eSPACE Account
As an Admin, there is a section under SETTINGS > ADVANCED > NOTIFICATIONS that will allow you to view all notifications sent out of eSPACE for every user. This will be great if someone claims they did not receive a notification or you want to review any notification. Simply click “VIEW” to actually view the notification that was sent.
My Notifications
You have the ability to view all notifications sent specifically to you!
Simply click “My Notifications” on the left menu to view a list of all notifications that you have personally received. You can also view the notification that was sent by clicking on “VIEW”.